Imperial General.

As Vallen arrived in the bustling capital of Imperium, the grandeur of the city washed over him like the warm sunlight filtering through the leaves. Towering spires and magnificent domes rose against the azure sky, their polished surfaces reflecting the light in a dazzling display. He ambled through the streets, a picture of nonchalance, his posture relaxed, as if he were merely a spectator in this world of power and privilege. The vibrant energy of the city pulsed around him, but Vallen felt detached, too lazy to engage with the throngs of people bustling about their business.

Upon arriving at the Imperial Palace, a sense of familiarity. The grand entrance loomed before him, guarded by imposing sentinels clad in resplendent armor. As Vallen approached, the guards bent their heads in reverence, a display of respect for the Imperial Seal that adorned his uniform. With each step, he felt the weight of their respect but it barely registered in his mind.

A butler emerged from the shadows, his demeanor formal and precise. "General, if you will follow me," he said, leading Vallen through the opulent halls of the palace. The corridors were adorned with intricate tapestries and gleaming marble, echoing the grandeur of the Imperium

They arrived at a vast hall, where the air was thick with anticipation. The butler gestured for Vallen to take a seat and then disappeared into the depths of the palace. Alone, Vallen turned to the tall windows that framed a breathtaking view of the palace gardens.

The gardens sprawled beneath him, a tapestry of vibrant colors and delicate scents. Statues of former emperors stood sentinel amidst the blooms, their marble faces etched with wisdom and power, eternally watching over the flourishing flora. Roses, irises, and countless other blossoms danced in the gentle breeze, creating a serene ambiance that momentarily soothed Vallen's weary spirit.

The warmth of the sun wrapped around him like a comforting blanket.His eyelids grew heavy, and before he knew it, Vallen succumbed to the peaceful atmosphere, drifting off into a deep slumber.

Moments later, a sudden shift in the air roused him. He blinked awake, startled to find the Emperor himself seated beside him.

"Vallen" the Emperor began, his voice smooth yet commanding, "it seems even the mightiest among us need rest."

Even in the presence of the Emperor, Vallen was the same as always, no surprise or fear coursed through his body.

"You've aged well." He replied, looking directly into the Emperor's eyes.

"You haven't changed a bit." He said, grabbing Vallen's shoulder with a warm smile.

"What happened to the iron fisted dictator, whose hands are stained with more blood than anyone else's?"

"Oh I can kill you at any moment, but then you couldn't take my daughter's hand." His gaze suddenly shifted to something that would have made an average person uncomfortable, but Vallen only sighed deeply.

"I don't think I was called here for your daughter." He replied.

The Emperor laughed, rising and pulling Vallen with him.

"Well, no. There will be a meeting, and I would like you to be present."

Vallen already felt tired at this news, but there was no place for dissent.

As Vallen walked alongside the Emperor, he felt the weight of every gaze upon him. The ministers and counselors lined the hall, their expressions a mix of curiosity and unease. Whispers danced in the air, but none dared to speak as the Emperor strode forward with an air of authority that demanded silence.

The Emperor's presence was magnetic, yet dangerous, his demeanor cold and calculating. He moved with a regal grace, and Vallen mirrored his composure, though a flicker of tension pulsed through him. 

As the Emperor settled onto the throne, Vallen took his place beside him, standing tall. The counselors exchanged glances. Suddenly, one of the more ambitious counselors, a man known for his sharp tongue, dropped to one knee, his voice trembling as he addressed the throne.

"Your Majesty," he began, his words cautious, "bringing a sword into the presence of the Emperor is a great sin."

"This is Vallen Cassus, the Imperial General, commander of all Legions."

The atmosphere thickened with tension as realization dawned on them. Without a word, the counselors knelt in fear, heads bowed in submission to the Emperor's declaration. 

"Now," the Emperor commanded, his voice steady and authoritative, "let us hear the plans you have devised in response to the Republic's massacre at the western border." His words hung in the air like a thundercloud, drawing the attention of everyone present.

A hush fell over the room, each counselor exchanging nervous glances as they considered who would dare to speak first. Finally, a stout man with thinning hair and a nervous twitch in his eye cleared his throat, rising from his kneeling position. 

"Your Majesty, we must consider a strong military response. The Republic has crossed a line, and we cannot afford to show weakness."

"Explain it." Said the Emperor, glancing down at everybody in the room.

"Since the Great War, the Republic has merged with the Western Principality, gaining immense power. However, after our massive victory in the north, they aren't able to attack there. Instead, they redirected all their forces to our western borders, mobilizing about four hundred thousand.Thus, we presented a plan with the ministers and counselors."

One stepped forward and knelt.

"Your Excellency, we suggest that we attack the south, targeting Celestia, who is currently besieging Aldera with all their might. Victory would be guaranteed, as their borders are barely defended, and the returning army would be attacked by Aldera from behind. It would only require ten legions."

After some thought, the Emperor turned his head towards Vallen, seeing the fire in his eyes that he hadn't seen for a long time, almost to the bone, trembling with excitement, and began to laugh, laughing in a way that no one had ever seen, except for his daughter.

Perhaps only Vallen understood why the Emperor was laughing, because everyone else, except for him, started smiling while he stood there, motionless.

"Well then, Vallen, let me hear it," The smiling Emperor said, with his fists clenched.

"This plan is treason against the Imperium."

Chaos erupted in the throne room. The counselors and ministers immediately began to object, shouting over one another in outrage.

"How dare you question our loyalty!" One of the ministers cried, his face flushed with anger. 

"Silence!" The Emperor's voice boomed across the chamber, cutting through the cacophony like a knife. The room fell eerily quiet as all eyes turned to him, anticipation hanging thick in the air. "Who here agrees with this plan?" He demanded, his tone icy.

A tense moment passed as the counselors exchanged nervous glances. Then, two of the kneeling counselors slowly raised their hands, trembling. Their eyes darted to the others who stood beside them, each one reluctant to join in the dangerous acknowledgment.

The Emperor's expression darkened as he drew his hand across the throne room. The air grew heavy with an ominous energy.

In an instant those whose hand was in the air fell motionless to the ground, lifeless, they were stuck by the Emperor.

The silence that followed was profound, leaving the remaining ministers frozen in shock, their hearts pounding in their chests.

"Let me hear your explanation Vallen." 

"Indeed, attacking Celestia may seem tempting, but the Imperium would fall for two major reasons," Vallen said, his voice steady but tense. "First, Celestia is a nation of fanatics who view their king as a god. The moment we cross their borders, hundreds of thousands of civilians would take up arms. Second, Zargon is the only kingdom with which we have good diplomatic relations, and they are Celestia's primary trade partner. Not only would we lose that relationship, but Zargon would aid them. Then, Celestia and Zargon would strike from the south, while the Republic would attack us from the west."

"What do you suggest?" The Emperor asked, his brow furrowed in concern.

"I request ten legions," Vallen said.. "I will march north and seize the Panjam Mountains."

"That's suicide," One of the ministers interjected, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Silence!" The Emperor commanded, raising his hand, signaling Vallen to continue.

"There are four thousand former Imperium soldiers enslaved in the Panjam Mountains, along with nine thousand from the former Principality. We will not only rally them to our side but also the rebels, who number over thirty thousand. The enemy will panic and pull back part of their western forces, and then our main army will strike with forty legions."

"The Panjam Mountains are a fortress, impenetrable. You would lead your soldiers to their deaths," Another minister argued, his tone filled with doubt.

Vallen turned toward him, his voice calm but pointed. "If you were a slave in the Panjam Mountains and saw fifty thousand Imperium soldiers marching toward you, wouldn't you be inspired to rise?"

"So, you're planning to strike from within, but fifty thousand soldiers would be noticed quickly." Said General Corvinus, his skepticism clear.

"Yes, which is why I'll hide them." Vallen replied, his tone growing sharper.

"And how do you intend to do that?" General Valeriaus pressed.

Vallen paused for a moment before speaking. "With a Royal Decree... and a Divine book"

The throne room fell into stunned silence at Vallen's words. Even the Emperor seemed taken aback.

"But this... this is treason, my Emperor!" One of the ministers stammered, his voice trembling. "Who dares—"

"Enough!" the Emperor extended his arm, silencing the room with a single gesture. "I grant you what you need. These are my final words, whoever dares to question it will die." He rose up from his throne.

"All hail to the Emperor of the Imperium!" They said, all kneeling.

The ministers and advisors withdrew after the Emperor made his final decision, leaving only Vallen behind at the Emperor's command. He knelt before him, extending his hand, which His Majesty took.

"I, Arkon Valerianos Gaius, Emperor of the Imperium, hereby bless you, Vallen Cassus, with the strength bestowed upon us by Nythros, our creator and one true god."

As the Emperor grasped Vallen's hand, he felt a tingling sensation, and his Level suddenly jumped from 0 to 100. However, the Emperor couldn't quite comprehend the fact that Vallen had taken 200 from him instead of 100.

Noticing the Emperor's gaze, Vallen stood and explained, "I may be mentioning this a bit late, but I have a student with whom I share the System." He smiled, and the Emperor started laughing.

"That student is likely now the most blessed in the entire Imperium." The Emperor laughed without a hint of anger.

Smiling back, Vallen nodded and then left the throne room. They continued their conversation on one of the balconies, watching the bustling life of the capital city beneath the setting sun.

"Tell me, Vallen," The Emperor began, slightly awkward, which Vallen found unusual, but he knew where the conversation was heading. "Why did you reject my daughter's hand back then?"

Vallen lit a cigarette, leaning against the railing with his legs crossed. "I don't want to leave her behind." He said, exhaling the smoke.

The Emperor burst into laughter. "Do you think you're going to die?"

"I don't think, I know," Vallen replied, looking at the Emperor with a seriousness that he had only seen a few times before. He realized that the usually carefree Vallen was now very serious.

"No one can match the power you gained from the Royal Library, Vallen," The Emperor said.

Vallen looked up at the stars, his hand reaching out as if he could grasp them, his fingers brushing the cold night air. For a moment, it felt like the vast expanse was just within his reach, shimmering and eternal.

"I have only two years left, Gaius."