Whispers in the Moonlight

The grand ballroom of the imperial palace gleamed with opulence, the gold and marble décor reflecting the wealth and power of the empire. Towering chandeliers, studded with diamonds, bathed the room in a soft, golden glow, casting long shadows that danced across the walls as the guests moved and mingled. Every corner of the hall radiated luxury, from the intricately carved columns to the crimson and gold tapestries that depicted tales of past emperors and legendary battles.

Vallen stood in a big balcony, his sharp eyes scanning the crowd. Nobles from every corner of the empire were in attendance.They moved with an air of arrogance, as if each step they took was a reminder of their status, their conversations tinged with subtle rivalry. 

Laughter filled the air, though it often carried a hollow note, the kind that could only be found in places where power was the ultimate prize. It was a spectacle, a grand display of wealth and influence, where alliances were forged with polite words and veiled threats.

But for all the splendor around him, Vallen's attention was drawn to the figure at the center of it all, the Emperor's daughter, Seraphina.

She was breathtaking.

She stood at the heart of the gathering, surrounded by nobles and admirers, her presence captivating every eye in the room. Her gown shimmered like starlight, woven from the finest silk, silver threads cascading down her form like waterfalls of moonlight. The bodice was adorned with delicate pearls and diamonds, each catching the light and casting a subtle halo around her. 

Her beauty was undeniable, almost otherworldly. But it was more than just her looks. There was a grace to her movements, a quiet confidence that made her stand out, even among the finest nobles of the Imperium. Her deep, azure-blue eyes, framed by long, dark lashes, sparkled with intelligence and mystery, as though she held a thousand secrets behind them. Her lips, curved into a soft, almost mischievous smile, spoke of a mind as sharp as any sword.

The nobles fawned over her, offering compliments that were as extravagant as the banquet itself, but Seraphina seemed unbothered, her smile polite but distant, as if she had grown used to such adoration. She thanked them with grace, but her gaze often drifted, as though she was searching for something or somebody.

Vallen watched her from a distance, his expression unreadable. He had known Seraphina for years, though their paths rarely crossed outside of formal occasions like this.

As the emperor's only daughter, she was beloved and envied in equal measure. The nobles whispered about her beauty, her charm, and the power she wielded not just through her lineage, but through her own wit and will. Tonight, on her birthday, she was the undisputed queen of the ball, and everyone knew it.

The music from the imperial orchestra swelled, filling the ballroom with a gentle, melodic waltz. Couples began to move to the dance floor, their movements graceful and practiced, as though every step had been rehearsed for this moment. Seraphina turned, her gown shimmering as she moved, and for a brief moment, her eyes met Vallen's across the room.

Vallen felt out of place amidst the grandeur and powerful figures, despite his rank surpassing everyone present. This feeling of being an outsider wasn't one of humility but rather a deep-seated disdain for the nobles he had dealt with so many times before.

True to his nature, he wore his usual simple and understated black uniform, a far cry from the extravagance of those around him. To a casual observer, he might have appeared no different from a common guard.

As he stood watching the bustling crowd inside, his mind wandered to the Emperor's recent command. It was, without a doubt, the most difficult order he had ever received. He had never had a lover, and now, he was expected to be a father.

"General Vallen." A voice came from his right, surprising him.

He turned to find none other than Heimfell Bernadt standing there.

"Well, if it isn't the knight himself." Vallen extended his hand.

"At your service, General." Bernadt replied with a smile as they shook hands. "You seem a little worried." He said with a laugh.

"Well, the girl Amara who you were supposed to duel back then got her first Skills and she was not very well." Vallen responded and just then, his gaze was drawn to the Emperor, who was watching him with a smirk from within the hall. Bernadt noticed as well.

"I also felt terrible when I got mine. I slept for days, but you should go in General." Bernadt said, a hint of unease in his voice.

As Vallen entered the hall, it was as though he became invisible. No one glanced his way, no one whispered about him. This was likely because, with his plain uniform, he blended in more with the servants than with the elite. But the moment he approached the Emperor, everything changed.

Protocol dictated that one could only speak to the Emperor with his permission, and even then, conversations were limited to a few formal phrases. Yet, within moments, Vallen and the Emperor were already on the verge of an argument, drawing the attention of everyone nearby.


"There are no 'buts,' you must do it." The Emperor interrupted, his smile unwavering.

"Perhaps the wine clouded my judgment when I agreed, but what you're asking is not as simple as it seems." Vallen replied, stepping closer to the Emperor.

The Emperor burst out laughing so loudly that the entire hall echoed, momentarily halting all conversation. As his gaze swept over the crowd, everyone quickly resumed their chatter, pretending not to have noticed.

"What's so difficult? You just take it out and put it in." The Emperor said, still chuckling.

"You realize we're talking about your own daughter, right?" Vallen asked, now laughing himself at how casually the Emperor was addressing the matter.

"I'm well aware, but don't forget she loves you. I'm not forcing this, she wants it too. It's only you that needs convincing. So, why don't you reach into my pocket and see what's inside?"

 Vallen without hesitation reached into the Emperor's pocket and pulled out a ring, adorned with a breathtaking diamond.

"Simply put, my daughter cannot just become pregnant out of nowhere. First, tonight, you're going to propose to her, discreetly, of course and make the baby. Then, when you return, we'll make the official announcement and start planning the wedding."

Vallen stared in shock at the Emperor, but his astonishment quickly spread throughout the entire hall as Seraphina wrapped her arms around him from behind.

The tension in the room was palpable. Nearly every young noble present had hoped to win Seraphina's heart, and in a single moment, their dreams shattered.. The powerful families stood in stunned silence, their disbelief quickly turning to frustration. Faces flushed red with barely contained anger, but none dared to speak a word.

Amidst the growing unrest, one family stood apart from the rest, the Heimfell family. While others in silence, they were laughing and smiling, their eyes gleaming with satisfaction. It was as though the entire spectacle was a private joke shared among them. They even raised their glasses in a toast to Vallen and Seraphina.

The sudden stillness in the room caught the Emperor's attention. With a wave of his hand, he signaled the musicians to play, and they responded by filling the hall with the loudest, most vibrant music they could muster, effectively drowning out the rising tension.

Meanwhile, Seraphina seemed completely oblivious to the tension swirling around her. She held onto Vallen tightly, as if nothing else in the world mattered. Vallen, however, could feel the weight of the evening pressing down on him. This night was going to be far more challenging than any battle he had ever faced.

"Would you let me go?" He asked, trying to maintain some composure.

"No." Seraphina replied, tightening her grip on him even more.

Vallen glanced over at the Emperor, his expression now one of quiet desperation, silently pleading for help.

"My daughter," the Emperor said with a chuckle, "Vallen would like to give you a gift. Why don't you two head to the garden?" He clapped Vallen on the shoulder with a mischievous grin.

At the mention of a gift, Seraphina's eyes lit up, sparkling with excitement. Without hesitation, she grabbed Vallen's hand and dragged him through the crowd, pulling him towards the moonlit garden. The silver glow of the moon bathed the greenery, casting soft shadows as they moved away from the lively banquet into the quiet, secluded night.

Vallen was supposed to feel the emotion people called love, but the countless wars and the immense suffering he had endured had left no room for such feelings. Naturally, Seraphina was beautiful to him, but he felt no attachment toward her, no warmth in his heart.

"Your father ordered me to—" Vallen began, but Seraphina stepped closer, gently placing her finger on his lips, silencing him.

"You know," Her voice softened, her eyes shimmering under the moonlight, "the moment I turned eighteen, countless noblemen lined up, seeking my hand, offering their love. But I turned down every single one of them not because I didn't like them, but because none of them made me feel anything." 

Her gaze dropped to the ground, her fingers trembling slightly as she reached for Vallen's arm, gripping it gently, as if drawing strength from his presence. "After my brother died, and then my mother… it was just me and Father left." Her voice cracked, and she instinctively raised a hand to her face, brushing away the first tear that slid down her cheek. "That's when he truly became the Emperor. He turned ruthless, killing anyone who dared mention their names. He locked himself behind a mask because he is the Emperor he couldn't show weakness, couldn't afford to be vulnerable. But the nobles… they saw it. They were almost ready to overthrow him, to take everything.

She paused, her thumb brushing lightly against his cheek, her tears falling more freely now. "And then you appeared," she whispered, her eyes locking with his. "A young boy who burned the Hague camps to ashes, who dragged the head of one of the most powerful noble generals into the throne room. The boy who defended the Imperium."

Her grip tightened, and she moved closer to him, her forehead resting lightly against his chest as she cried softly. "I'm certain you have no idea how much you changed him. During the battle in the North, every moment, he was calling for his generals, asking if there was any news about you. Not the battle, just you."

Seraphina's voice broke again, and she pressed herself closer to him as though afraid he might slip away, her tears soaking into his uniform. "And when the report came that you'd been swept away by the snow, that you had disappeared he stormed out of the palace, ready to ride out himself to find you. It was the first time I'd ever seen him afraid. That was the first time he'd shown any real emotion since my brother and mother died."

She lifted her face to him again. "But then, when the message came that you were alive, that you had won the battle he fell to his knees, thanking the gods for protecting you." Her lips trembled into a small, shaky smile. "He hugged me. After months of numbness, of being cold and distant, he hugged me… and it was warm. Warm like it used to be." 

Seraphina's hand lingered on his face, caressing him gently. "You may not know this," she said, her voice barely above a whisper, "but he had songs written about you. Stories told in your honor. He commissioned portraits… grand ones." She laughed softly through her tears, shaking her head. "He wanted your name to be immortalized, for your return to be glorious. But when you came back, you didn't want glory. You just wanted to disappear."

Her breath hitched, and she gripped his hand tightly, pulling it to her chest. "I know I've spoken a lot about him, but Vallen… you saved him. Not just him, you saved me, too."

She hesitated, wiping her face with the back of her hand before continuing, her voice now filled with determination. "I know this might upset you, but I had you watched. "There was always someone in every legion you commanded, someone reporting back to me about how you were, what you did." She swallowed, her eyes searching for understanding. "I only knew your name and it was enough for me to fall in love with you."

Seraphina took a deep breath, stepping back slightly to look at him fully. "What I'm trying to say is I'm ready." Her voice steadied, though her tears kept flowing. "I'm ready for whatever pain comes with being with you. If you live for two years, then I will spend every single day of those two years by your side." 

Her grip on his hand tightened as she whispered the final words, her gaze unwavering, her love unmistakable. "And if you only live for two years… you will have enough time to love our child. "

Vallen's expression remained unbothered, yet his tears flowed freely, as if he were unaware of their existence, lost in a whirlwind of emotions he struggled to comprehend. What was this feeling? Was it love? The sensation of being cared for, of being truly loved, began to dawn on him, weaving through the fabric of his thoughts.

Seraphina didn't speak a word, instead, she enveloped him in a warm embrace, her own tears spilling over. In that moment, the world around them faded, and beneath the gentle glow of the moonlight, the two of them became an inseparable pair without any ring without any word from Vallen.