Hornvein: Field Search

Lucian walked along the field, stepping on nothing but dirt and grass, looking around. He had already walked for a couple of minutes, getting further and further away from the Town. 

He stopped and looked back, seeing the town's building in the distance. Past Hornvein's view, he noticed a large hill with a massive building that looked like it was being built. 

"Huh." He said, "That must be the one we'll work on tomorrow....that's strange, how come I didn't notice that when approaching the town yesterday? It's not something you'd miss." 

He then turned back around, facing forward and seeing nothing but fields as far as the eye can see, only seeing what looked like buildings on the horizon, little specks off in the far distance. He assumed they were probably barns or something similar. 

He began to walk again, looking on the ground, trying to see if he could find a clue as to where the Officer and the animal had left.