Hornvein: Caution IV

Lucian walked alongside as he looked off into the distance, catching the large figure of the building off in the hill. 

"Hm..." He said

Brodin looked at him, "What is it?" He asked

"That building....." Lucian said, "Do you think someone works on it right now?" 

"I don't know." Brodin said, "From the way it sounds, they usually work on it during the Sixth Day, which is tomorrow." 

"That means that Ortheon comes in the Seventh. We have to make this quick." He said, "You should go and look around to see if you can find our friend. I'll go and check this building out. I'll meet you back on the Inn later tonight." 

"You sure?" Brodin asked, "That could be quite risky. I say we stick together, something could happen to us. And I don't think I'll trust that you'll run off." 

"You literally had me go and look for Gabriel and the horse outside the town. I came back." Lucian said, "Something stinks and I want to find out what."