Hornvein: Tunnels V

Lucian took a step back slowly, trying not to make a noise, "Shit....." He muttered, "Are they really corrupted? Are my eyes not messing with me?" 

He recognized the black ooze, but he couldn't be too sure if that was the case. There was no doubt about it in his mind, however, that is the same liquid as the Golden Wyvern that he fused into himself.

"This should confirm it....a Demon is behind this." He thought to himself, "I gotta get out of here and warn Brodin. We need to find Michael before anything else. Something must be done about this." 

Lucian slowly turned around and began to walk away, noticing a small shaft within a group of crystals where he saw there was natural sunlight shining through. 

"That should be an exit..." He said to himself as he slowly walked over, trying not to make any noise

His drakeling gave off a warning chirp, as if it sensed something.