Hornvein: Battle in The Caverns

"The Soul Gate?" Lucian said as he raised his eyebrows, "What are you spewing?" 

Euryale chuckled, "Everyone knows that a Traversed crosses via the Soulway, that extradimensional power that has no control." She said as she flicked her tongue, "But there is an ancient and powerful artifact controls it to an extent, The Soul Gate. And it is Lord Valkren who has it. It is the only way for a Traversed to go home." 

"Is that so?" Lucian asked, "Then how come everyone and their mother say there's no way home? If such a thing exists, wouldn't they have mentioned it?" 

"False hope, perhaps." Euryale said, "A Demon Lord has it. Clearly, they don't want you to be swayed by their enemies, fufu~ But now that you know that, rethink your pos-" 

"Fuck you." Lucian said as he lunged at her, "We're not done here!" 

He swung his sword at her, clashing with the spear that Euryale raised up just in time.