Hornvein: Dragon Aspect

The attack was going to hit Euryale in the face but somehow, it passed right through and shot right at the wall, exploding violently. 

"What?" Lucian said as he narrowed his eyes, his vision slightly blurry due to the intense toxin burning his blood, "The hell?" 

"Stupid hatchling~" Euryale said as her head got close to him, a strange yet terrifying sight

Euryale's neck had extended upwards and curved, causing the condensed stream of lightning to miss. The Demon then hovered her head as she twisted her spear in Lucian's stomach causing him to wince in pain. 

"You...." Lucian said as his dragons still kept their maws on the Demon, "I should've expected that....." 

"Fu~" Euryale said, "So you've unlocked a Seal, what is that to me?"