Cursed One III

"Get rid of this shit, Michael!" Lucian exclaimed with an angry scowl, "Now!" 

"Alright, take it easy." Michael said as he rolled his eye


Michael clapped his hand on the bubble and in a swift motion, he extended his hands outwards, firing three separate bubbles across the field. One of them hit Lucian, causing the tentacles to loosen as he broke free almost immediately. Another hit Auriel who did the same thing and the last one hit Brodin, who summoned a knife and cut off all the tentacles almost immediately. 

"Alright, I'm going down there." Brodin said, "Stay up here, Apha. Provide cover fire using your arrows. And keep your bear away, the flowers are causing an allergic reaction." 

As Brodin jumped to the stairs and ran down, Lucian summoned lightning on his fist and jumped up, rearing his arm back. 

"I'm gonna wreck the entire fucking place." He shouted