Chapter 29


I had not heard from Matteo in a couple of days, so I assumed we were still on for the date. I know that I had told him when and where, but he didn’t seem to mind at all at the time. I guess I was just a tad disappointed that he had not even sent me a text. I’m sure that there was a good reason for it. And let’s be clear, it’s not like I had sent anything either.

I had prepared myself, I had even gotten myself waxed. Yeah, not ever going to do that again! I’ll stick to shaving next time. Norah came over earlier to pick my clothes because she still didn’t trust me when it came to dressing myself for dates. I believe I’m getting the hang of it, but she is not buying it. Anyways, I got dressed up for the date, put on make-up, styled my hair, and I waited. And waited. And waited.