It took me a while to process everything that had happened, but when I did, I was left with anger. So much anger. He fucking lied to me!
Guilia was sitting in front of me, talking to me. They must think of me as a kid that cannot be left alone for a minute. Matteo left to God knows where, and Guilia was talking with this monotone voice that was meant to soothe me. Yet, all that it did was feed my anger. I wasn’t stupid!
I wanted to be alone, looking at any of them reminded me of the fool I had been. I told Guilia that I wanted to change into something comfortable and walked up to Matteo’s bedroom. My things were there, but I wasn’t planning to do anything. I locked the door behind me, knowing it was a matter of time before Matteo would come up here. I was lying on the bed, when I heard a knock and someone trying to open the door.
I grinned softly to myself, proud that I could predict his behavior this well. The knock turned into a banging.