Chapter 46


“Please give me some time to process.”, I whispered while my lips were still resting against his. I pulled away and shut the door. I was still inside the bedroom, Matteo was not.

Deep in my heart I know I will forgive him, but I also know that I’m not yet ready to do it now. I needed time to get to that point, and I wanted Matteo to wait. He did lie to me. Fine, maybe he didn’t lie outright and to my face, but he did withhold the truth from me. The truth is that he is a mafia leader and a criminal, and I am not. I also had no idea what it meant to be a mafia leader like he is.

I do believe that he loved me. Okay, I know he didn’t say it like that. He said that he was falling in love with me, but to me that is mere semantics. It was the sign I wanted and needed from Matteo. I needed to hear that there was a feeling, a pull to me that went beyond physical. I have it now, and it gave me a sense of confidence.