I think I stood just outside her door for a good minute, before I realized that Matteo was sitting in the car right in front of me. I was still reeling from everything that I just heard. Finally, there were some answers, but also more questions that I didn’t know whether Jelena could answer them.
Slowly, I walked to the car, and got in, still trying to wrap my head around things. I knew that I wasn’t going to be able to make sense of everything in a couple of minutes, but that didn’t prevent me from wanting to.
“Are you okay?”, Matteo asked concerned. I nodded.
“Yes. It was a lot though.”, I answered truthfully.
“Well, we have a long way to go, you want to share with me?”, Matteo asked, and he started driving home. I didn’t even know where to start. I think I must have stayed silent for at least half the drive, just because I tried to start a sentence, but then decided it wasn’t what I needed to say. Matteo didn’t push me but let me be, which I appreciated.