As the warriors from Getom followed the prisoners into the forest, little did they realize that they treking into atrap.

"Why would these crazy people enter the forest? Muttered one of the warriors from Getom",

Let's just follow them and let hurry up before we lose them unless if we want to be a dead meat in commander Ocen's hands. Said another warrior.

As they treked, little did they pay attention of what is around them,

They were already engulfed by the Maria and the she warriors .

Thinking of where to go, cause they were lost in the jungle, a heavy branch of abig tree swinging from above them knocked down five warriors at once and they fell on the ground.

As they panicked, rain of hissing and fizzing sounds of arrows were shot towards them killing most of the warriors from Getom leaving ahand full alive.

None of them should leave this forest or else our hide out will be exposed, they either surrender and we take them as captives or they all die, said Maria ".

Since she used cow horn war tactics, leaving the enemy with no hideout as they were surrounded in the middle.

Surrender to us peacefully or you all die like others, shouted Maria".

There was no response.

Well if that's what you want then we shall kill all of you. said Maria".

As one of the warriors from Getom was still wondering around he fell in the hole full of spears and died immediately.

Upon seeing this, the remaining five warrior decided to surrender themselves to Maria and her female warriors.

After winning there first war, it become a moment of happiness as the warriors of Getom were held captives for the first time.

Without the warriors return, it made Ocen to get worried since he couldn't get to know the identity of his attackers.

Weather they enter the tiniest hole on earth l will find them ,said Ocen angrily ".

But even himself, he didn't know where to start from.

Then he and other warriors again decided to follow the footsteps of his warriors who went on a journey of no return.

They went to this forest, said one warrior",

Why would they enter the forest ?, unless if this is where our enemies entered,"said Ocen".

But we all know that no on has ever entered this jungle and come out alive not even the hunters, said another warrior".

Then we shall be the first, said Ocen with loud voice".

Though Ocen entered the forest with his men, they could only find dead bodies of his warriors.

Who did this to my men?, shouted Ocen angrily".

I shall come for you wherever you are, said Ocen".

They continued to search yet they couldn't event find a single trace of a village in the forest or even any route that could show the people live somewhere near forest.

It become a puzzle to them till they gave up.

I think it was just a trick, said Ocen".

He continued let's get the hell out of here.

They left and went back with disappointments.

Meanwhile deep in the middle of the forest was a celebration,

Your indeed aGod sent person, we thank you so much my daughter, said chief Okurut who was rescued in the prison".

Since Maria promised Akello if they come back victorious, she will make her the vice commander of Morungatuny, it was time to fulfill the promise.

As a large crowd was celebrating, they drums were suddenly stoped.

I want to thank my warriors for their first victory, said Maria Angatuny ",

And because they showed me that they are capable, l therefore announce to you all that Akello is the new vice commander of my great she warriors,she said".

Applause! Applause! Applause!

The crowd was filled with joy and happiness.

We are finally going back to old days, were the village was always filled with joy and happiness before king Emorimori begain ambitious, said grandpa Musa ".

Oh only the gods will reward that girl for all she has done for the happiness of the villager, said Apio".

Meanwhile no maria never expected that the midwife who help the mother during her birth was still alive.

As she was walking in the crowd she glimpsed and saw someone who looked like the midwife, she approached towards her and said.

Midwife is that you! With alow shattering voice,

Ongatuny! Of course it's me, she replied", and where Ms Agrippina and grandma Magdalena? She asked".

Immediately Maria's face change,

She sighed and said, they all kicked the bucket.

The midwife was out of ward after hearing this.

As maria rushed out of the crowd to the banks of the river where she sat down with a gloomy face throwing stones in the river while remember her pass life with her family.

Ahand come and touched her ,It was the midwife.

Seeing her depressed she said, am so sorry to have reminded you of your passed, l didn't expect it to disrupt your mind , am so sorry.

It's not your fault you only wanted to know since you didn't see them, maria replied".

As she continued to throw stones in the water, the unexpected happened.

What's going on? She asked her self ",

What is it maria? Midwife asked".

Maria was speechless that she could only use her hands to point at the direction of the river.

The waters had Rosen up together with the stones around them. Upon the midwife seeing she was not surprised because she already knew the mysterious powers Ongatuny known as Maria had since child birth.

Why are you not scared? Asked maria ",

There's nothing to get scared of Maria, replied the midwife",

What do you mean? asked Maria".

You had those powers since you were baby only that it was yet to manifest, replied the midwife".

Wha ! Wha ! What do you mean asked maria". Am l a monster she asked with a shattering voice" , but how did l even lift up the waters and stones?, that's not possible she said .

Maria calm down, said the midwife"

It's true you possess Avery strong ancient powers that everyone will be yearning to have. said the midwife "

Upon hearing this Maria didn't know what to do next.

You don't need to worry, all you need now it to learn how to control those power and let no one knows that you posses such powers for now, Said the midwife"

But how?, I don't even know how the water lifted it's self, then how will l know how to control it? Asked Maria".

For now just relax and go to rest, it's been a hard day, l will see you tomorrow said the midwife.

Since the midwife was not only a midwife nurse but also a sorcerer, she was capable of knowing how to control Maria's increasing powers.