Reloaded strong assassin and machineries, with both guns, spears, bows and other with arrows and shields. They were fighters of different caliber combined together to accomplish one mission.

Since the problem lays near the forest Ocen decided to lead them into the forest again wanting to unravel the truth behind the mysterious women.

Divided into three groups they entered in the jungle from all sides engulfing the small villages in the middle. At the entrance the watcher spotted strange people and alerted Maria.

Being a person who is always ready to fight, in ablink of an eye the knights were ready together with the she warriors and Okirror with his men. As the hunters were responsible for setting traps and the watcher activated them had already gone to reset their traps.

The kids and the old went to the safe house. Maria, l think we should allow the warriors in the prison to come and fight with us after all they're one of us, said Okirror.

"Did l say that we are incompetent? We shall fight and win this battle even with the out them. But what matters is they are our people to and if they are ready to mend their ways then give them a chance. Said Okirror.

I think his right , a weak voice come from afar them, it was the injured prince.

And who gave you the audacity to intrude in our private conversation! And why are you still gallivanting around instead of going into the safe house said Maria harshly. Or are you planning on getting yourself stabbed again...!

Looking at maria the prince was not relactant to go into hiding while she will be out in danger.

" Am not going anywhere, l will be where your are. He responded.

With a frown face Maria looked at the staggering prince who couldn't even talk properly because of the wound on his chest and said.

" If you want to commit suicide do it on your own and not in pretence of protecting me who can protect myself.

Then she left to check on the strategy to be used since the enemy may reach them in five to six hours considering the traps are realize it will take the eight to nine hours but only if you know the Direction, other wise they may even take two day .

That alone gave her much time to prepare.

The tiger.….. yes! The tiger. Shouted Akello as if she just remembered an interesting idea. "what about the tiger. maria asked. We tamed and captureed atiger in the jungle it's in our custody.

It's time to release it. She was so gleeful that she forgot the disadvantage of releasing the tiger.

" A tiger knows no master, it may attack you as well remember.... Replied Maria, but that didn't stop Akello from releasing the tiger.

Opening the cage, slowly the tiger come out rushing to the bush.

Now they were ready to go and take position while a waiting to lay an ambush on the enemies.

They had to divided themselves into three groups but the most unknown dangerous group was of the machineries and the assassins

Knowing all their positions, Okirror and his men went west where Ocen will emerge from whereas maria and the knights went northeast where the machineries and the assassins will emerge from. same to Akello who lead the she warriors to the direction of Abela.

They all layed ambush on trees since that was a good position for shooting arrows direct to their opponents.

But little did they realize the the prince had persuaded them from behind again. For he was so restless when ever maria is out of his sights in the battlefield. All he wished for was to be next to her.

The prince's feelings had reached an extreme extence that he stopped thinking about his own health too. But what a pity it was one sided love

Luckily one of the watchers nearby spotted him bent moving with his left hand beneath his chest trying to support his painful wound.

Meanwhile the earthquake rumbling started low at first in Ngora kingdom then suddenly built to a body -rocking tremor by the time it finally hit. The villager could hear the grumbling earthquake from deep with in the long earth before they felt it.

A mysterious force causing an auroras in the sky, the swirling red lights on the horizon shooting and spiking into the sky that look like a spotlights brought panick to the residents of Ngora kingdom as the were all flabbergasted .

A hissing and fizzing sound was coming from the auroras. It was the goddess sword lingering in the middle of aurora Polaris as if it awaits for the call from its owner.

Viewing this the villagers knew that a phenomenon is happening in where the goddess was since she was connected to her sword and the sword can feel its owner.

Immediately th king of Ngora instructed his able bodied warriors to get prepared as to when the lingering sword flys away from its position, they should follow up to where it goes.

He knew that he was indepted to Maria for helping him out with his attackers the last time and if given the opportunity then this would be apay back on his side.

As they where waiting, the assassins had also approached the first trapes in the jungle. As they moved blindly not focussing on where they where stepping some groups stepped on the traps that claimed their live .

While wondering of what truling was going on the untamed tiger also ran toords them making them to scatter into different direction making it easier for the she warriors to slaughter them easily,

While Okirror was still awaiting for Ocen and his warriors from the west the watchers had already began unleashing the traps hitting the assassins to death.

Not knowing where the people unleashing the traps were they remained so flabbergasted with dreadful expression on their faces . They continued the dead where left behind all their goals were to accomplish their mission.