With so much sympathy that Akello showed on behalf of the young knight, Maria then chose to recruit her, on the contrary Akello will lose her position as a knight, for knights are twelve in number and not less not more.

Although she was nolonger a Knight, she remained as their vice commander of both the knights and the she warriors.

After their ordination into the knighthood, Maria retroceded to her Hut, placing the sword on the wall, she took a slesta

" You are me, l am you....

As she was lulling, a voice was heard coming from inside her Hut. Glancing around, there wasn't anybody.

" You're me! Am you...

It repeated again, thinking that may be the voice was from out side. She come out and took a shufti around, there was no one but the trees.

" What sort of a prank is this? She thought as she went but to drowse, for the third time it said again.

"You're me! Am you....

She gave a warder's keek around baffledly, then did she realize that the voice was coming for in the hut. As she was still perplexed, a bright light emanated from the crystal gems at the ricasso.

It was so bright like the morning star. I am you and your me, for we are one in two. It said .

" Who are you! And what do you want from me? Show your self your coward.replied Maria.

" How can l show myself when your me, look into the mirror you will see me. Infact your a weaker version of me. It said.

Maria was so tired and so bewildered that she didn't know what to do, please as you can see, l was taking a nap, so let me rest, am so torpid then after you can split all the nonsense you want say. She replied.

The sword didn't give her apiece of mind it kept shouting loud that she couldn't lull.

" Let's have a good talk or else you will not like what l will do, remember your just my figment.

I am the real one, it said seeing that Maria wasn't paying hid to what she said , it released a cold breeze that scattered Maria's room including her bed.

'Your just a piece of my primordial spirit. It said out angrily.

It happened millinium years ago, after being betrayed by the people she loved, the war goddess felt disappointed that she ended her life as known to everyone, which was half true .

Before ending her life she stored her primordial spirit in the crystal gem in the ricasso before she committed suicide and promised to avenge later.

So the remaining primordial spirit turned into dust in the air which fell off in the nearby swamp.

Years later, Agrippina mother of Maria couldn't bare achild, being called Buren by the whole community, the only place she could find peace when troubled was at the swamp were the last primordial spirit of the war goddess layed .

When she grieved her grievous, the spirits entered her and she become pregnant of Maria, the reincarnation of the goddess of war.

Born with blue eyes that later turn to normal after few minutes was due to her being a figment of the goddess so her powers were weak.

The goddess had blue eye that could never change, ever with a mask on her face.

That's why the sword can feel her at any place and any time because they are one being and can never get separated.

After getting to know the truth maria was puzzled,that she had to ask about the portrait of Odeke that was in the temple.

So tell me , what was the portrait of Odeke doing in the temple?.

You don't need to know but you will have to do as l tell you, if you want both of us to live, and don't forget that l can live without you but you can't live without me. It said.

" What do you want me to do. She asked with a dreadful look on her face.

" Kill....kill Odeke now before it's too late.

Unless if you want to end your life like the last time then spare him, sooner or later he will betray you.

Hearing this Maria was unhappy with the words of the sword spirit which was the goddess of war.

" Your heart is bitteref with hatred, as your tongue filled with vengeful. The previous you is not the current me, we're different, she replied to the goddess in the sword.

" Nooooo! You must kill him or l will kill him to avenge what he did to me. It said.

You shall not do such, as long as am here not even a single hair from his head will you touch. Conflict emerged between the goddess in the sword and the figment of the goddess Maria.

Little did they realize the the prince peeped and over heard Maria talking , all the conversation was heard by Odeke.

As she got a misunderstanding elwith the sword she went out in annoyious but bumped at Odeke who was perplexed as to who Maria was talking to fo he didn't see any one in the room.

Who were you talking too? I over heard you say, you will not kill him, who do you want to kill? He asked with so much eagerness.

" Too much of everything is dangerous. The little you know the safer you be, she replied and walked away leaving the prince so befuddled.

Meanwhile in Ngora kingdom Ocen was imprisoned and was to be beheaded in the village square after two eke market days ( two weeks). But a tragedy happened when one of the guards from ngora accepted bribe from Getom kingdom.

Later he managed to help Ocen escape.

Help....! Help....

! The prisoner is escaping shouted one of the guards but was immediately silenced but a guard who was a traitor. Hence Ocen went back to his kingdom.

And that marked the beginning of a very dangerous war once again as now Ocen was very sure that a kingdom existed in the jungle.