I can't! He shouted out loud knowing that would be a suicidal mission, it was easier to raid Morungatuny in the absence of the knights. Not even a uranium sword would stop Maria from slaying him especially now that she is very aggressive from his previous destruction of her village.

Amun'ra was so disappointed and displeased with Ocen's response. That he gave him an option to either go back and think about it , then when his ready he knows where to find him, or to leave and never show up to him again, knowing Ocen's weakness and ambitions he was sure that he can't quit for he was just afraid of the consequences.

Looking at the bedridden Odeke laying down lifelessly, tears filled Maria's eyes her throats soared, as he sat next to him wiping his stinking body with warm water slowly as she regrets leaving him behind.

"Why do l get so worried about this man whom l don't even know his identity! She thought as slowly wiping his body.

Raising him up from the bed to remove his torn and dirty stinky shirt, Maria's eyes were shocked to witness the unbelievable.

" How's it even possible! Same mark? He murmured to her self in suprise, the eagerness to unravel the the mysterious identity of Odeke drew more and more stronger in her mind.

Seated at the river banks, as she thinks of midwife's last words about Odeke, her eyes stood busy counting the shinny stars, encircled with a Cold air as dark as basalt. The moon with a golden hue and the ebony dark shadows of tree branches lingering as the wind blows.

The luminous lights from the village twinkled, her mind was ponderous as she listens to the calling of the crickets and the rippling of ganga, singing together in symphony amplified by silence, that was the only place she felt the existence of peace and harmony.

Looking around after waking, the prince couldn't help but gasp in search of Maria. Slowly he come out and took a walk at the river were she saw, a sorrowful figure seated at the river banks with her eyes in the clouds as she listens to the amplified sound of the night birds, slowly he approached and sat down besides her.

" Thanks for saving us, l owe you my life. He said with a sympathetic voice as they viewed the shooting star lingering in the dark clouds.

Looking at him, she was speechless, for the only thing that existed in her mind was who he was

Who are you? She asked, hoping to get an a proprate and satisfying answer but all was in vain since he didn't even know who he was. He remained bewildered as he knew anything about who he was.

Trying hard to remember but all he gets was a booming headache that leaves his head feeling like it's about to explode. And a sharp pain he feels at the forest head.

Take it easy, l asked but l didn't mean you should kill your self trying to remember. She said after realizing him silently wailing in pains." I want to know who l am too. He stammered as he replied.

It was already dawn when maria and odeke woke up at the river banks, " what happened! Why are we here,,! Looking around they realize they slept out the previous night. They got up so fast that no one would have a glimpse st them. They hurried back to their huts .

Meanwhile Ocen was still befuddled on what to do especially that his envy of Maria wouldn't be you control , " l will do anything that will lead you to loss both your people and that kingdom she built with her blood. Yet a stubborn fly follows the corpse to the grave, his stubbornness would lead him to his doom.

But worry emerged at the kingdom of Getom was rapidly going bankrupt as they couldn't participate in slave trade because of the she warriors. The king got tired of getting only bad tidings.

The pressure from the king forced Ocen to reconsider the offer given by Amun'ra. But he knew there would be great risks of not retaliating back. It was a fifty, fifty bet.