Unfortunately the prince's mind was already corrupted by hatred and ego, and was ready to attack Maria in claiming of the throne.

"Am not in support of this, a calm voice spoke softly.

Uben tried in convincing him to abort his mission, considering the love and care he was given in the jungle village.

" If not for those people your able to attack, you wouldn't be alive today, remember. They even gave you shelter and food when you lost your memory. " Don't say l didn't warn you.....

Uben knew even if they take advantage of the loss maria got from the last battle, still there would be half probability of winning but prince Odeke was being driven by his pride and ego.

With the help of her Aunt, queen of Abela kingdom, he managed to get support from the king who rendered him warriors and equipments.

The dawn chorus of melodic birdsong drifted in. The rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky. Golden fingers of sunlight lit up the scene. The just-risen sun shone softly on the village, bringing with it a flurry of early-morning activities. But it was unfortunate for the warriors were treking to the battlefield.

Unbeknownst to prince Odeke who thought that the jungle was emptied and no one existed in it, little did he know that Maria left some watchers behind since that was the only place that is in the middle of the three kingdoms hence every activity has to pass alongside the jungle to reach its destination.

While the watcher were in their usual duties, they spotted a large group of warriors heading towards their kingdom which cought their attention.

"Why are they well equipped with weapons! Seems their going for a war, but where?. They muttered to themselves . As they glimpsed only to see Epiru on his war armour together with prince Odeke, their mind didn't go far from the truth.

I think they're heading to our ancestral home!. We need to ran passed ahead of them.

Knowing that, they all couldn't leave, only one watcher had to ran so fast for Morungatuny wasn't far from the jungle, it only takes two hours to reach if your slow and one hour if one rans. So she had to ran so fast.

While almost near the main gate, her conscious couldn't allow her to reach the gate, hence she blew a danger whistle that attacked the watcher at the main gate. Glancing at far they saw a tired gasping lady, they immediately knew there's problem coming.

Maria was informed as others began to prepare weapons, Maria went to met the watcher. Unable to speak well since she only spent thirty minutes instead of an hour she was so tired and thirsty.

The..y, they coming.

Maria was so puzzled as to who was coming. " Please be specific, who are they? She asked calmly.

The watcher then narrated what they saw but Maria first doubted it but when she was informed that they were with warriors from Abela kingdom too, she then remembered what the primordial spirit in the sword said and knew that it's true , Odeke would batray her.

Her only fear was, that they knew all her fighting tactics and may use it against them, so she has to change. " What are my support to do? She thought, everything was so baffled. Then she come up with a stupid idea that may also work only if Odeke didn't become suspicious.

She arranged a small number of warriors in both sides and left the gate open and in the meantime they had to come up it another second gate that was built halfway way they had no choice but to cooperate and complete it.

The first gate was left open, but the second was locked and heavy tree branches and stones piled onto it for support. The other group of warriors were protecting inside. But to be a suref that it was war that they come for , Maria had to atai at the balcony of the first gate to wait for them to come.

Hours passed they appeared on a far distance. At a radius where they could hears her voice she screamed out loud. Odeke why are you here with your men? Hoping to get a positive answer but she was shocked when Odeke replied.

" Have com to take over my father's throne.

Maria's eyes widen, with so much disappointment, she couldn't stop her watery eyes from shedding tears, her heart seemed like it has been stabbed, unable to breath for a while she staggered to get support from the wall were she leaned, after few minutes, she knew that it's time for war.

As they were still waiting for Maria's response, a group of warriors showed out from the east , screaming and heading towards them, they drove their attention into running to attack them but as soon as they were almost catching up the she warriors immediately turned back to where they come from.

There was a small forest nearby their kingdom they entered there,leaving the warriors from Abela kingdom still following them but little did they realize that their heading into a big trap that would claim many warriors.

As the she warriors bid themselves in the woods, the warriors from Abela kingdom ran and the first ones all fell into the hole where criminals are thrown into to die. For the hole was too hallow that once you enter there's no coming out.

As they were still ponderous of what just happened, aloud scream was heard from the west, glancing from a far they saw the she warriors heading towards them. They didn't suspect anything rather they again ran towards them, but when they were almost approaching, they again turned round and ran back to where they come from.

Still the warriors from Abela chased after them, only to enter into a sticky mud that was covered with leaves in disguise of land. The west side had a sticky mud that is known for swallowing anyythat falls into it , be it humans.