Winter Trade

Whether it was shoveling snow or clearing land, the labor of the Cyro Wolf would surely come in handy.

With a bag of fresh white radishes and Snowball No. 2, Snowball No. 3, and Snowball No. 4 accompanying him, Kim Haru hopped onto the sled vehicle and set off.

This time, Kim Haru didn't rely solely on Snowball No. 2 to pull the sled.

Estimating the journey's length, he let Snowball No. 3 and Snowball No. 4 take turns pulling as well.

Initially, both Cyro Wolf were overly excited about the task, but the memory of their last mishap—when the sled overturned—lingered in their minds.

Under Kim Haru's careful guidance, the two Cyro Wolf managed to remain stable.

Eventually, Kim Haru had both pulled the sled together, and they gradually developed a harmonious rhythm, pulling the sled smoothly all the way to the Pyeongseong Safe Zone.

As usual, he entered through the east gate.