Signs of a Threat

An earthquake?!

Both Moon Baein and Kim Haru were stunned.

"Are you certain? All the animals are acting abnormally? Notify the patrol team to be on high alert immediately. Also, where is Director Do Seungjin?" Moon Baein demanded urgently.

The messenger shook his head. "Director Do is currently trying to calm the animals. The earthquake theory is his speculation—he's not entirely sure. Also, not all the animals are showing abnormal behavior. The black pigs, ducks, and some of the larger animals in the facility are reacting, but the mutated bugs are unaffected, and there's no unusual activity observed in the fish."

Kim Haru and Moon Baein exchanged glances, both breathing a small sigh of relief.

"Tell Director Do to note which direction the animals are reacting most strongly toward. This should be not an earthquake. I'll gather some people and bring Mr. Kim along shortly."

"Yes, Sir!"

The messenger immediately turned around and ran off.