They all had a deep impression of this stunningly beautiful white cat.
Every single person present had experienced the animal riot incident, so they knew just how incredible this cat looked—and just how powerful it actually was.
At this moment, not a single person voiced any objections to Kim Haru bringing a cat on the mission.
In fact, upon seeing that Fuzzball would be accompanying them, the group inexplicably felt a sense of reassurance.
…Were they about to be protected by a cat?
Ahem, no big deal—it was just being protected by the cat overlord.
Nothing to be embarrassed about.
The journey toward the vicinity of Biryong Cliff was far from peaceful.
With the arrival of spring, the zombies were no longer frozen stiff like in winter; they had begun to move around actively.
The sound of Kim Haru and his group's vehicles, coupled with the scent of ten strong humans, excited the zombies who had starved throughout the winter.