For a split second, Kim Haru felt as if he had glimpsed a majestic lion letting out a thunderous roar.
The next moment, a powerful gust of wind surged up from below, rushing toward him!
Kim Haru was startled.
Before he could adjust his position to avoid the sudden updraft, he realized that something had positioned itself directly beneath him.
His rapid descent came to an abrupt halt as he landed on something soft and warm.
Despite the high-speed free fall, the impact didn't harm him in the slightest.
In fact, Kim Haru even bounced a little on the surface.
Naturally, the cat in his arms, Fuzzball, also bounced along with him.
As the "soft cushion" beneath him continued its slow descent, Kim Haru finally pieced together what had happened.
A massive, winged creature had caught them.
Now, both he and Fuzzball were sitting on this creature's back as it carried them downward into the depths of the cliff.