A comrade or a Foe

Rawa Vols stepped out of the hospital with a sense of unease settling in his chest. Although fully recovered, his mind remained a whirlwind of fragmented memories and elusive dreams. A command from the kingdom's mage weighed heavily on his thoughts: After leaving the hospital, you must report to the Magical Academy of Triveni to verify if you are a comrade or foe.

As Rawa walked through the bustling streets of Triveni, he couldn't help but feel exposed. The capital city, with its towering spires, bustling markets, and the chatter of its citizens, felt alien to him. Every corner he turned seemed to hold a gaze, every shadow a whisper. He knew the stakes — outsiders were scrutinized, judged, and often disposed of if deemed a threat. This thought gnawed at him as he made his way to the academy.

The Magical Academy of Triveni was a sprawling structure, majestic and imposing. Its outer walls were made of white stone, enchanted to shimmer faintly in daylight. Tall archways and elegant turrets reached skyward, adorned with intricate carvings of ancient sigils and glyphs. Despite its grandeur, an unsettling aura emanated from it — a presence that reminded Rawa that this place was not merely an institution of learning but a fortress of secrets and power.

He approached the entrance gate cautiously, clutching the mage's order in his hand. The gatekeeper, a burly figure dressed in ornate robes, glanced at him with keen eyes before nodding silently. With a curt gesture, the man directed him inside and pointed towards a winding path that led to a towering building in the academy's heart. The library, he had said, his tone measured and inscrutable.

Rawa's heart raced as he crossed the threshold into the academy grounds. He felt as if the very air weighed down on him, tingling with latent magic and watchful energy. Students moved around in clusters, some discussing spells animatedly, others focused intensely on ancient tomes. The occasional burst of light or a whispered incantation floated in the air, further enhancing the otherworldly atmosphere. Yet, as Rawa walked past them, he could sense their eyes — fleeting glances, hushed murmurs — all directed at him. An outsider, under scrutiny.

The library loomed ahead, a massive edifice with tall windows framed by ivy-covered stonework. Its doors, made of dark wood and reinforced with iron, stood open like the maw of some great beast. Taking a deep breath, Rawa stepped inside. The moment he did, a hush enveloped him. The interior was vast, with towering shelves stretching up to the high-vaulted ceiling, each brimming with countless books of all shapes and sizes. Magical orbs floated overhead, casting a soft, ethereal glow that illuminated the space in shades of gold and green.

He approached the librarian's desk cautiously, presenting the mage's order. The man behind the desk — an elderly figure with a stern face and robes lined with shimmering runes — glanced at the paper and then back at Rawa. There was a moment of silence as the librarian scrutinized him.

"Rawa Vols, is it?" he said, his voice a soft rumble, like distant thunder. "You've been summoned to determine your allegiance." He paused, his gaze sharp. "But I have a class to teach soon, and my students must learn a crucial topic today."

Rawa swallowed, feeling the weight of the situation bear down on him. "I—I can wait," he stammered, trying to sound calm. "I have time."

The librarian's eyes narrowed slightly, as if measuring his sincerity. Then, with a faint nod, he gestured towards the endless rows of shelves. "While you wait, feel free to peruse the collection. We have enough books to occupy even the most curious minds."

Rawa felt his anxiety spike. Why did he say that? Was this a trap? A test? But outwardly, he forced himself to smile politely. "Thank you," he murmured, bowing his head slightly.

The librarian watched him for a moment longer before turning back to his work. "I'll return when my class is over," he said. "Then, we shall see where you stand."

Rawa nodded stiffly and turned away, making his way deeper into the labyrinth of bookshelves. As he wandered through the seemingly endless aisles, the silence of the library seemed to press in around him, each step echoing softly against the polished floor. He couldn't shake the feeling that unseen eyes were following his every movement, waiting for him to make a wrong choice, to pick up the wrong book.

His heart pounded as he glanced at the tomes lined up before him — histories of the kingdom, magical treatises, bestiaries, and chronicles of wars fought and won. What if this is a test? he thought, his fingers hovering uncertainly over a heavy volume titled The Boundaries of Triveni and its Foes. What if they're watching to see what I choose? A cold sweat broke out on his brow. If I pick something wrong, will they brand me a traitor?

Trying to steady his nerves, Rawa forced himself to step away from the shelf. He needed to stay calm. He was here for answers, not to fall into some trap. The dream of the Black Dragon Knight that haunted his sleep flashed before his eyes — a dark figure wreathed in flames and shadows, whispering of a path only Rawa could follow.

If I'm to survive here… I must find out who he is and why he appeared to me.

With renewed determination, he began scanning the shelves, looking for anything that might hint at the Black Dragon Knight. All the while, the oppressive silence of the library bore down on him, and the lingering fear of the mage's test gnawed at the edges of his resolve.

Rawa knew that his fate in the Magical Academy of Triveni hung in the balance — and perhaps, so did the fate of everything he held dear.

* Note *

Triveni is the capital of Himdom.