Is history going to repeat?

The Himdom Palace stood like a fortress at the heart of Triveni — a sprawling edifice of white marble and obsidian stone, crowned with towering spires that reached into the heavens. Its imposing silhouette was visible from every corner of the capital, a constant reminder of the might and grandeur of the Himdom Kingdom. As Rawa and Sutra approached the grand entrance, the thick iron gates creaked open slowly, revealing a wide courtyard lined with meticulously groomed gardens and enchanted statues. The air hummed with a palpable sense of power, the kind that emanated only from places steeped in centuries of magic and history.

Rawa stepped down from the carriage, his gaze sweeping over the opulence and splendor of the palace. Despite his relatively calm exterior, a knot of unease tightened in his chest. He was about to enter a room where the most powerful rulers of the human realm awaited his arrival — kings who held the fate of their entire world in their hands. The document sent ahead had already revealed fragments of his abilities. What would they decide about him now?

"Keep your head high, Rawa Vols," Sutra murmured softly beside him as they walked up the grand steps leading to the palace's main hall. "You stand before the greatest leaders of our kind. Show no fear, for strength lies not just in power, but in conviction."

Rawa nodded slightly, but he could not shake the growing apprehension within him. Was he to be branded an ally, a pawn, or a threat? His mind raced back to the tales he had read about the war and the incredible prowess of Prince Hima, the boy-prince who had, at the age of ten, proposed the alliance that brought peace to the shattered human realms. Now, that same boy — a man in his prime — awaited him in the palace, a Grandmaster mage and strategist who could rival the greatest heroes of legend.

The ornate double doors of the Great Hall loomed ahead, guarded by two knights clad in the midnight-blue armor of the Himdom royal guard. They nodded respectfully to Sutra and Rawa before pushing open the doors with a flourish, revealing the grandeur within.

The Great Hall was a sight to behold — a vast chamber lined with banners bearing the sigils of all seven human kingdoms. Gilded chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a soft, golden light over the richly adorned walls. At the far end of the hall, a semi-circle of elevated thrones stood, each occupied by a sovereign whose presence filled the room with an almost tangible aura of authority.

Rawa's gaze shifted from one ruler to the next, taking in their varied appearances and postures. His eyes lingered for a moment on Prince Hima of Jugisa. The prince sat forward in his seat, his youthful face set in a mask of calm yet intense focus. His silvery-blue robes, embroidered with symbols of Jugisa's legacy, shimmered subtly as if reflecting the energy coursing through his veins. Despite his age, there was no mistaking the power and intellect that lay behind those piercing blue eyes. He was the youngest in the room, yet he commanded a respect that even the elder kings could not deny.

King Royvi Vigix Ard of Himdom, seated at the center, raised a hand, and the hall fell into an expectant silence. He leaned forward slightly, his gaze locking onto Rawa with an intensity that made the young man's heart skip a beat.

"Rawa Vols," King Royvi intoned, his voice deep and resonant. "Step forward."

Rawa did as instructed, his steps echoing softly in the stillness of the hall. He stopped at the base of the dais, bowing his head respectfully.

"You stand before the Seven Thrones of Power," King Royvi continued, his gaze unwavering. "Your presence here is no small matter. The document we received has revealed some of your abilities, yet much remains hidden. We must determine if you are a friend… or a foe."

There it was — the moment of truth. Rawa's breath caught in his throat, but he kept his gaze steady as he looked up at the gathered rulers.

King Arya of Aryavart leaned forward slightly, his emerald eyes keen. "Tell us, Rawa Vols. Why have you come to our world?"

The question was simple, yet its weight was immense. Rawa struggled to find the right words, his mind racing. How could he explain the dream of the Black Dragon Knight, the strange summons that had pulled him into this realm? Would they even believe him?

"I… I was summoned here," he began slowly, choosing his words with care. "I don't fully understand why or by whom, but I believe it has something to do with the Black Dragon Knight — a vision that has haunted me since I arrived. I don't seek conflict, nor do I wish harm upon your kingdoms. I only want to understand why I am here and what I am meant to do."

A murmur ran through the room at his words, the kings exchanging thoughtful glances.

"The Black Dragon Knight?" King Maksh Rari rumbled, his deep voice reverberating through the hall. "That is a name we have not heard in many years. A being of great power and darkness… a legend among even our kind."

King Reek Tha of Shreekatha narrowed his eyes, his silver gaze studying Rawa intently. "If this vision is true, then it could signify the return of a long-forgotten evil. Or," he added softly, "it could be a trick — a lie to gain our sympathy."

Rawa clenched his fists at his sides, frustration welling up within him. "I swear, I'm telling the truth. I have no reason to deceive you."

Prince Hima leaned forward then, his voice soft but carrying a weight of authority that silenced the room. "If what you say is true, Rawa Vols, then you may indeed hold the key to a great destiny. But understand this: our world is on the brink of chaos. The alliances that bind our kingdoms are fragile. Even a single unknown factor, such as yourself, could tip the scales — for good or for ill."

He paused, his gaze piercing. "That is why we cannot afford to trust blindly."

"What do you propose, then?" King Jara Doot asked, his fingers drumming thoughtfully on the armrest of his throne.

Prince Hima straightened, his expression resolute. "We observe him. Test him, if need be. But for now, we allow him the freedom to act. If he is indeed tied to the Black Dragon Knight, his actions will reveal his true nature soon enough."

The other kings nodded slowly, considering his words. Finally, King Royvi turned his gaze back to Rawa.

"Very well," he said. "Rawa Vols, you will remain under our watch. You may move freely within our territories, but know this — any act of aggression, any sign that you may be a threat, and our response will be swift and merciless."

Rawa nodded slowly, relief mingling with lingering fear. "I understand."

King Royvi leaned back in his throne, his gaze still sharp. "Then go, Rawa Vols. Seek your answers. But remember — we will be watching."

With that, the audience was dismissed, and Rawa bowed once more before turning to leave the Great Hall. As he walked away, the weight of the kings' gazes pressed heavily on his shoulders.

He was free, for now. But his every step would be scrutinized, his every word analyzed. He had been given a chance — a chance to prove himself.

But what would happen if he failed?

As the grand doors closed behind him, Rawa could not shake the feeling that he had just stepped onto a path from which there would be no turning back.