The hidden Strength

"Alright, I admit my defeat," Rawa says, bringing his left hand near his left eye with a confident gesture before adding, "I'm Rawa Vols, the strongest God."

Yui bursts into laughter, followed by Sutra and his wife. Rawa smiles, and then Sutra chimes in, saying, "Yui possesses telescope and microscope magic."

Rawa asks curiously, "What kind of magic is that?" Sutra explains, "It's a special type of magic that allows the eyes to zoom in and out. However, it can't see through objects; it simply reveals everything about what the user is looking at. Though its range is typically limited, Yui can use it beyond what anyone could imagine."

Rawa, surprised, responds, "Beyond imagination?" Sutra nods, "Yes, though we still don't fully understand it. We're working on finding the answers. For now, let's have dinner." They all head to dinner and enjoy a delicious vegetarian meal. Afterward, Sutra shows Rawa to the guest room, which is well-furnished and comfortable.


Rawa lay back in the soft guest bed, staring at the translucent screen floating before him. It glowed faintly, casting a gentle light in the dim room, revealing a series of unexpected revelations:


Name: Rawa Vols

Title: Fire-Type Healer

Level: 501

Class/Rank (Guild): E

Magic: Moon

Unlocks after First Fight: Weapon, Combat, Physical, Mxp, Skill, and more.


Rawa's gaze lingered on his level — 501. Just a day ago, his abilities were capped at a mere fraction of that, or so it seemed. A healer title… but why fire-type? And the elusive Moon magic that Sutra had mentioned… What did it all mean?

"Hmph, so I can access more once I get into a fight," he murmured, a smirk tugging at his lips. But exhaustion pulled at him, and he decided to leave the mysteries for the morning. Closing his eyes, he let sleep take him, the screen dissolving into the night.


The morning came too quickly for Rawa's liking. He wasn't used to waking up so early, and the remnants of sleep still clung to him as Sutra entered the room. It took the mage two full minutes of persistent shaking to rouse him. Groggy, Rawa blinked up at the older man.

"Breakfast is ready," Sutra informed him, smiling at his guest's disheveled appearance. "No need for a bath, by the way. You're a healer, and your magic will naturally maintain your body's cleanliness and vitality."

"At least something is good here," Rawa muttered, rubbing his eyes. He stood up slowly and followed Sutra to the dining room.


The dining room was small but filled with warmth. Sutra's wife, Iki, was setting the final dishes on the table, and Yui, their bright-eyed daughter, looked up expectantly as Rawa entered. She studied him intently, her gaze piercing yet curious.

Rawa sat down at the table, still feeling sluggish. He gave a brief nod of greeting to everyone but noticed Yui's unwavering stare.

"Is something wrong, Yui?" Sutra asked gently, turning to his daughter.

Yui frowned slightly, as if puzzled. "Rawa-Bhrata's level… it was 7 yesterday, but now it's 51. How did it change so much?"

Rawa chuckled, a sly smile spreading across his face. "I already told you, little scholar. I'm the strongest God."

Yui's eyes widened. "But… how? Levels don't just jump like that overnight."

Before Rawa could respond, Sutra interjected. "Yui, remember what I told you. Rawa is a Fire-Type Healer who also possesses Moon magic. His level fluctuates depending on how much magic he has stored, and whether or not he's exhausted."

Yui blinked, processing this information. "The strongest mage... with Moon magic," she murmured, awe creeping into her voice.

Rawa leaned back, arms crossed. "And you didn't see that yesterday, huh?"

Yui shook her head quickly. "No, I could only see a fraction of your abilities. I could read your level, your elemental magic type — fire — and your guild rank: E. But your other powers… they're hidden."

"Hidden indeed," Sutra agreed quietly. "Rawa's magical abilities are obscured, even from those who should be able to sense them. That's why so many people are hesitant to trust him. They don't know what he's truly capable of."

A brief silence fell over the table. Sutra's words hung in the air, leaving Rawa to contemplate just how deep this concealment went. What else was hidden within him?

"Enough talk for now," Sutra said, breaking the moment. "Let's eat our breakfast first. We can't think on an empty stomach."


The meal was a humble but satisfying one, consisting of fresh vegetables, steaming bread, and a delicious herbal broth. Rawa ate quietly, enjoying the unassuming comfort of the food and the familial atmosphere around him. Despite the underlying tension and uncertainty, this simple breakfast reminded him of something he had almost forgotten: normalcy.

As they finished their meal, a sudden knock echoed through the house.

Sutra rose immediately and moved to the door. When he opened it, a knight stood there, clad in gleaming armor, his expression solemn. He carried a scroll bearing the royal seal.

"I have orders from the capital," the knight announced, his voice firm. "They concern Rawa Vols."

Sutra's eyes narrowed slightly, but he nodded. "Please, come inside."

The knight entered, casting a curious glance at Rawa, who watched from his seat. Sutra unrolled the scroll, reading the script silently. His expression shifted subtly, tightening almost imperceptibly before settling into a mask of calm.

Rawa stood up, his curiosity piqued. "What does it say?"

Sutra handed the scroll to him, his gaze steady. "It's an official decree from the palace. Prince Hima has requested your presence at the capital's main barracks. It seems the situation has escalated."

Rawa's brow furrowed as he scanned the document.

By Royal Order: Rawa Vols, currently ranked as a Guild E-Class Adventurer, is hereby summoned to report to the Northern Barracks of Triveni for immediate assessment and orientation. Prince Hima will oversee the proceedings. This order is non-negotiable. Failure to comply will result in immediate detainment by the Royal Guard.

"Detainment?" Rawa repeated incredulously. "For what?"

Sutra sighed softly. "It's not as ominous as it sounds. Prince Hima is extending a formal invitation, but he has to make it clear to others that this is not optional. He wants to evaluate you personally — to see what you're truly capable of."

Rawa glanced at the knight, who stood impassively, waiting for his response. There was no room for argument here; he had no real choice. But there was something else… something about the prince's involvement that Sutra wasn't telling him.

"Fine," Rawa said finally, folding the scroll neatly. "I'll go."

The knight bowed slightly. "We leave immediately."

Rawa turned back to Sutra and his family, offering a small, almost apologetic smile. "Looks like breakfast is over."

Sutra nodded gravely. "Just be careful. And remember, not everything is as it seems."

Yui's gaze followed him, wide and worried. "Rawa-Bhrata," she whispered, "are you going to be okay?"

Rawa crouched down slightly, ruffling her hair gently. "Of course I will. I'm the strongest God, remember?"

Her lips twitched into a small smile, but the worry remained. With one last glance at Sutra and Iki, Rawa turned and followed the knight out the door.

As they stepped onto the bustling streets of Triveni, Rawa couldn't shake the feeling that something was shifting. The world seemed to pulse around him, filled with possibilities and unseen dangers.

Prince Hima awaited him at the barracks. And with him, perhaps, the answers Rawa sought. Or, more likely, a new set of questions.