Kal-Chakra Ritual and Mastering Elements (3 chapters combined)

Part 1 -

The night deepened as the forest around them fell into an even deeper silence, the kind that seemed to hold its breath in anticipation. The stars glimmered above like countless watchful eyes, and the moon cast a pale, ghostly glow over the campsite. The only source of warmth was the crackling campfire, its flames dancing lazily in the cold air.

Prince Hima sat near the fire, staring at the flickering embers, his thoughts heavy. His expression was distant, shadowed by worry. It wasn't long before a rustling sound broke the stillness behind him, pulling him from his reverie.

"Who's out there?" Rawa's voice cut through the silence, low and guarded.

Hima turned, his gaze softening slightly. "Oh, Rawa. You're awake."

Rawa stepped closer, his face curious but concerned. "I saw you from inside the tent. You're still up. Why aren't you sleeping? And... you look troubled."

The prince sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly as if the weight of the world rested upon them. "Rawa… Raksh-Bhrata was here some time ago. He… he told me something troubling." He hesitated, choosing his words carefully. "Someone is manipulating your magic."

"Manipulating my magic?" Rawa repeated, eyes widening in surprise. "What do you mean?"

Hima's gaze locked onto his, serious and unyielding. "Yes, your magical essence is being suppressed. I suspected something was off, but now I know for sure. I have to place a protective spell on you—a Kal-Chakra—to prevent further interference."

Rawa frowned, his confusion deepening. "I don't feel anything strange… Are you sure it's necessary?"

"I'm certain," Hima insisted softly. "Right now, your power level is only at 501. It should have skyrocketed to at least 728 when you trained earlier and unleashed some of your abilities. But it didn't. It means something, or someone, is capping your potential."

Rawa blinked, trying to process the information. "But... wouldn't it be safer for you if I don't level up?" He tried to smile, but the unease in his voice was unmistakable.

Hima shook his head. "No. If your growth is stunted like this, it'll only become more dangerous over time. Whoever is doing this wants to keep you weak—so they can control you." His expression softened as he reached out, gripping Rawa's shoulder gently. "We can't let that happen. I need to perform the Kal-Chakra ritual. It's our best chance to break free of their control."

There was a moment of silence between them. Then Rawa nodded slowly, determination replacing the confusion in his eyes. "Alright, then. Do what you have to do."

Prince Hima straightened, his resolve hardening. "Not here, though. It's a complex ritual and will require space. Follow me."

The two left the warmth of the campfire and walked through the forest, their footsteps muffled by the soft bed of leaves. The air was crisp, carrying the faint scent of pine and dew, and every shadow seemed to shift and writhe in the dim light of the moon. After several minutes, they reached a secluded clearing, far enough from the camp that their presence would not disturb the others.

"Okay, stand here," Hima instructed, pointing to the center of the open space.

Rawa obeyed, taking his position as Hima continued walking another fifty meters away. He stopped, turned, and met Rawa's gaze across the clearing. His eyes shone with a strange, luminous intensity as he raised his hands, palms facing outward.

"Are you ready?" Hima called out, his voice ringing clear in the stillness.

Rawa nodded. "Ready."

Taking a deep breath, Prince Hima began to chant, his words resonating with a deep, ancient power:

"Cycle of Time, which rules over this cosmos,

As external, internal, and alternative,

Unleash your power and protect the Solvent!"

As the words left his lips, the very air around them began to hum and vibrate. A powerful, unseen force swirled through the clearing, and the ground beneath Rawa's feet shimmered. Brilliant, glowing lines erupted from the earth, radiating outward from where he stood. Sixteen vibrant beams of multicolored light twisted and wove through the darkness, forming a massive circle around him with a radius of precisely sixteen meters.

The circle pulsed with energy, its colors shifting and blending in a mesmerizing dance. Within the boundary of the Kal-Chakra, ancient symbols and runes glowed softly, their shapes unfamiliar yet somehow resonant with power. Each sigil seemed alive, floating up from the ground and spinning gently in the air, before rising toward the night sky in a slow, spiral ascent.

Rawa watched, awestruck, as the magic took shape around him. It felt as though he were standing at the heart of a cosmic storm, the very fabric of reality bending and warping around him. Yet, despite the overwhelming force, there was no fear—only a sense of profound connection to something greater than himself.

"Protect and break the chains,

Free the hidden power within!" Hima's voice rang out, strong and clear.

The circle flared brighter, the light intensifying until it was almost blinding. The runes, now blazing with energy, shot upwards in a final surge, piercing the sky and disappearing into the heavens. A soundless explosion rippled through the clearing as the magic reached its peak, and then, just as suddenly, the light began to recede, spiraling back down into the circle and vanishing with a soft, gentle hum.

Rawa staggered, gasping as a surge of raw energy flooded his body. He could feel it—power, pure and unbridled, coursing through every vein and sinew, awakening something deep within him that had long been dormant. His very essence seemed to expand, stretching outward as his magical aura burst free of its constraints.

When the magic finally settled, a calm stillness filled the air. The circle of light faded, leaving only faint impressions in the ground where it had once been. Rawa stood at the center, breathing hard but feeling... changed.

Prince Hima lowered his hands, a faint smile on his lips. "Your level... it's now at 892," he murmured.

Rawa blinked, his eyes wide. "That much...?" He flexed his fingers experimentally, feeling the surge of strength and potential humming beneath his skin.

"Yes," Hima nodded, satisfaction gleaming in his gaze. "The Kal-Chakra worked. The chains are broken."

For a moment, there was silence. Then Rawa looked up, meeting Hima's eyes with a fierce determination. "Thank you, Prince Hima. I won't waste this chance."

Hima smiled. "Good. Because from here on, things are going to get even more dangerous."

And as the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, bathing the clearing in a soft golden glow, the two stood together, aware that this was just the beginning of a much greater battle yet to come.


[ Author's waste comment - Well if you are reading this than the real story begins here with the Male proganoist's words, Real Magical fantasy begins ]

A Villian who is a male proganoist... Or a ..


Part 2 -

The rhythmic clatter of the carriage wheels echoed softly as we journeyed along the winding path, surrounded by a tranquil sea of emerald green. I lay inside, pretending to sleep, though my mind was far from restful. The previous night's events still swirled within me like a restless storm, making it impossible to truly find peace.

My thoughts were sharp, cutting through the haze of my supposed slumber. I couldn't ignore the feeling—the nagging suspicion that everyone around me was hiding something. First, Professor Sutra's vague warnings and the strange ways he would change the subject when certain topics came up. Then, Prince Hima's sudden urgency to cast the Kal-Chakra on me, followed by Raksh's mysterious appearance and his talk of manipulation.

The Kal-Chakra… I thought it would chain me further, suppress my abilities even more. Instead, it had the opposite effect. My power surged—so much that even Hima seemed surprised. For a moment, I felt liberated, like a bird breaking free from its cage. But freedom, too, can be a dangerous thing. Who was the real enemy here? What were they hiding?

Were these people truly trying to protect me, or was I just another pawn in a larger, darker game?

I felt my fists clench under the pretense of sleep, then slowly forced them to relax. There was no point in showing my unease, not when so many eyes were watching. No, I'd play along for now, nod, obey, and do what was asked. But I wouldn't let my guard down—not until I understood what they were planning, or until I achieved my own goal.

With a soft exhale, I opened my eyes, peering out through the small carriage window. As if sensing the shift in my thoughts, the world outside seemed to greet me with unexpected beauty.

The sky was awash with the first light of dawn, its colors blending like the strokes of an artist's brush. Golden hues kissed the horizon, slowly bleeding into softer shades of pink and lavender, while the pale blue above grew clearer by the second. The sun, a radiant orb of fire, was just beginning its ascent above the distant mountains, its rays spilling over the peaks like molten gold. It was a sight to behold—the kind that made you forget, if only for a moment, the uncertainties of the road ahead.

Rolling hills stretched out in all directions, draped in a lush, green mantle of foliage. The forest beyond the path was dense, its towering trees standing like silent sentinels, their leaves rustling gently in the morning breeze. Dappled sunlight filtered through the canopy, casting playful patterns of light and shadow across the undergrowth. Every so often, a glimmer of movement caught my eye—a deer darting between the trees, birds taking flight from hidden perches, their wings flashing like jewels in the morning light.

But it wasn't just the forest. Further along, fields of wildflowers bloomed in vibrant clusters, dotting the landscape with splashes of red, blue, and violet. The breeze carried their delicate scent, mingling with the earthy aroma of damp soil and fresh pine, filling the air with a fragrance that was both soothing and invigorating. Everything seemed so… alive, pulsing with an energy that was almost tangible.

Yet, as beautiful as the scene was, it only served to deepen my wariness. The world outside was serene, but within, everything felt off-balance. It was as if nature itself was mocking me, showing me peace and freedom, while the path I was on led only to conflict and chaos.

I shifted slightly, careful not to make any sudden movements that would alert the others. The knights rode alongside the carriage, their armor glinting dully in the early morning light. Their expressions were stoic, eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of trouble. To them, I was just a traveling companion—an asset to be protected, a young mage with untapped potential. They didn't know the truth. Not even Prince Hima knew what truly drove me, what I sought.

And I would keep it that way.

Because I was no mere pawn. I wouldn't be swayed by sweet words or empty promises, not even from the prince. I'd tag along for now, yes, nodding when expected and unleashing my magic when necessary. But only until I reached my own goal—whatever the cost.

I took a deep breath, letting my gaze linger on the scenery outside a moment longer. The sun had risen higher now, casting the world in a warm, golden glow. The path ahead seemed peaceful, but I knew better than to trust appearances.

Somewhere, beyond the horizon, danger was waiting. Forces were moving, plotting in the shadows. And if someone truly was manipulating my power from afar, then it meant that I was more than I appeared. There was something within me that they feared.

Well, if that's the case, I thought, a small smile tugging at my lips, let them fear.

For now, I'd play along. But soon, I would find my answers. And when I did, those who sought to control me would learn what it meant to unleash something they could no longer contain.

As the carriage rolled on, I leaned back, feigning a yawn, letting my eyes flutter shut once more. The knights paid me no mind, and Prince Hima was lost in his own thoughts, his gaze fixed somewhere in the distance.

Yes, I'd play the part of the obedient traveler. But only until I could turn the game in my favor. And when I did, the pieces would fall as I commanded. Because in the end, I wasn't just some piece on their board.

I am going to be the one to rewrite the entire game.


Part 3 -

The sound of the carriage wheels grinding to a halt snapped me out of my false slumber. I had barely adjusted my posture when Prince Hima's voice broke through the silence.

"Rawa, how are you feeling now?" he asked, his tone carrying an unusual lightness.

I stretched slightly, feigning nonchalance. "Well, I'm feeling better."

"Want to practice a bit more?"

I blinked at him. "But we've just started traveling."

"True," he admitted with a nod. "But if we practice just a little, we'll build up an appetite, and there's a town nearby. Their food is supposed to be incredible."

"Food, huh?" I replied, raising an eyebrow. "If it's for good food, then I'm in."

Prince Hima grinned, the weight of his usual seriousness lifting momentarily. Without hesitation, he leaned forward and ordered the carriage to stop. There was a murmur among the knights and mages who accompanied us, but when the prince glanced sharply in their direction, the chatter died instantly.

"Listen," he addressed them firmly, "do not make any unnecessary comments in front of Rawa. Do I make myself clear?"

A chorus of "Yes, your highness" echoed back in unison. Whatever doubts or misgivings they harbored were immediately buried under their loyalty and discipline. Their eyes flicked towards me briefly, a mix of curiosity and wariness lingering, but none dared say a word. I watched the exchange quietly, noting the respect—and fear—Prince Hima commanded over his men.

Satisfied, Hima motioned for me to follow him. We left the main path and stepped into the dense forest, our boots crunching softly against the carpet of leaves and twigs. The knights stayed behind, but I knew their eyes were fixed on us, tracking our every move. Even at a distance, there was no escaping their watchful gaze.

But none of that mattered right now. The real test was about to begin.

Prince Hima stopped once we were deep enough that the thick canopy above obscured most of the sky. Shafts of sunlight pierced through the gaps, casting ethereal patterns on the forest floor. A faint mist curled around the base of the trees, lending the clearing an otherworldly feel. It was quiet here, save for the distant rustling of leaves and the soft hum of life in the underbrush.

"Alright, Rawa," Hima began, his tone shifting to something more serious, "we're going to try something different this time. I want you to invoke your magic using a personalized chant. Call your name—your true name—and command the elements. Say something like, I, Rawa Vols, summon forth my true power, then add the element you wish to control—Water, Fire, Earth, or Air. Choose one and direct it towards the trees or rocks around us."

I hesitated. Personal chants were known to be powerful, but dangerous for those who hadn't mastered them. Was he testing my limits? Or trying to provoke something deeper?

"Go on," he encouraged softly, stepping back to give me space. "Don't hold back. Trust yourself."

Taking a deep breath, I nodded. I'd come this far—I wasn't going to shy away now. I closed my eyes, centering my thoughts, feeling the familiar hum of magic stir within me. It was like a sleeping beast, coiled tight around my very core, waiting for the right moment to be unleashed.

I, Rawa Vols, call forth my true power. Fire, heed my command!

The words fell from my lips, each syllable carrying a weight that seemed to vibrate through my entire being. The air around me shimmered, distorting like heatwaves on a summer's day. Then, with a sudden, explosive burst, a ring of flame erupted before me, roaring to life with terrifying intensity.

The fire spiraled outward in a blinding wave, its tendrils crackling hungrily as they tore through the forest. Trees that had stood for centuries were reduced to charred husks in an instant. The blaze consumed everything in its path, racing forward like a living entity, relentless and unstoppable. I could feel the heat scorching my skin, could smell the acrid scent of burning wood and ash filling the air.

I stood there, frozen, staring in shock at the inferno I had unleashed. The power… it was overwhelming. It wasn't just a spell—it was like I had called upon the very essence of fire itself, bending it to my will. But it was too much, too wild. I couldn't control it.

"Rawa!" Hima's voice rang out sharply. "Stop it! Use water—now!"

Heart pounding, I scrambled to switch elements. My voice shook as I called out again, forcing the words past my lips.

I, Rawa Vols, summon forth my true power. Water, come forth! Quench the flames!

A split second later, a torrent of water burst forth from the ground, rising up in a massive wave. It crashed over the raging fire, hissing and steaming as it collided with the inferno. The two elements clashed violently, water dousing flame in a fierce battle for dominance. I poured everything I had into the spell, feeling the magic surge through my veins like a rushing river.

Slowly, painfully, the flames began to die down. Steam billowed up around us, thick and suffocating, obscuring the clearing in a swirling cloud of mist. The trees groaned and creaked as the temperature plummeted, the remnants of the blaze leaving charred stumps and scorched earth in its wake.

I staggered, gasping for breath, the exertion of back-to-back spells leaving me drained. My hands trembled, still crackling faintly with residual energy. The clearing was unrecognizable now—where there had been lush greenery, there was now only blackened ground and twisted, smoldering ruins.

"What… what did I do?" I whispered, staring in horror at the devastation I had wrought.

Prince Hima stepped forward, his gaze steady and unreadable. "You unleashed your power, Rawa. And you saw what it was capable of."

"I… I didn't mean to—" I began, but he shook his head.

"That's exactly why we're training," he said softly. "Your magic is more potent than you realize. But if you don't learn to master it, it will consume everything around you—friend and foe alike."

I swallowed hard, the weight of his words sinking in. This was no ordinary power. I was no ordinary mage. The spells I cast… they carried the force of something far greater, far more dangerous. And if I wasn't careful, if I let that power slip beyond my grasp, it could destroy more than just a forest.

I looked up at Hima, my chest tightening. "What… what am I, Prince Hima? Why do I have this kind of magic?"

His expression softened, a flicker of something almost like sympathy crossing his face. "You're still discovering that for yourself, Rawa. But one thing is clear—you're more than just a mage. Much more."

The mist hung heavy in the air around us, mingling with the smoke and ash. In that moment, standing amidst the ruins of my own creation, I realized something that sent a chill down my spine.

If I didn't learn to control this power soon, I wouldn't just be dangerous.

I'd be a living weapon... Or a conqueror of the Earth may be.