The Prime Minister Makes his Move

Zian Yi lost all awareness of the world as his evolution took place. He did not know the hell he had just unleashed on the world.

All the powerful factions on the continent heard about what he had done to the Wind Sect and the fact that they had surrendered.

News got back to the capital city and all the people were in celebration .The Perfect Soldier had not only killed the rebellious princes ,ridding the empire of these leeches ,he had also fulfilled his mission and eliminated the Wind Sect that had long been an eye sore in the eyes of the people .This sect had rapidly spread all over the continent but they did n to allow the authority of the empire to govern them .They had their own laws and did not accept decrees from the government ..To the subjects of the empire ,this was the same as this these sects living above the laws of the empire while disdaining the local population .

This fact had rubbed the people the wrong way for many years and they had grown fed up.