My father and I sat in the back seat of his car, parked inside Standesamt Mitte in Berlin, awaiting the arrival of the Adlers. The marriage registration was scheduled for 15:00, and it was already 14:00.

"There must be other ways of saving the company; do I have to do this?" I turned to my father, who had been silent since our arrival.

He sighed heavily, "That's not the only issue; you'll be marrying a man old enough to be your uncle," he grasped my hands, his expression grave as he met my gaze, "But desperate times call for desperate measures, Zara. This marriage is our only option to avoid bankruptcy and homelessness."

Tears began streaming down my cheeks as the weight of the situation sunk in. "But why me?" I protested softly. "What about Lena? She's older; she could handle this much better than me."

His expression suddenly hardened, and he dropped my hand, signalling my breach of an unspoken line.

"You, Zara, know exactly why. Your sister is instrumental to the company," he countered sternly, "And frankly, I don't trust anyone else with this—not even you."

His words stung, revealing the harsh truth: I was nothing more than a sacrificial lamb protecting the favoured child.

"Zara, your sister has sacrificed a lot for us; now it's your turn to contribute. Fulfill this obligation by marrying him. It won't be for long; he's not expected to live much longer, and once it's over, you'll have your freedom. Lena will take over as CEO, and you’ll be promoted to managing director."

I sank deeper into the seat, a sense of resignation washing over me as I exhaled deeply, closing my eyes to the bleak reality.

Our tense silence was broken when Lena joined us in the car, her presence a stark contrast to the stifling atmosphere. "They’re here," my father announced as two cars pulled up alongside ours. We stepped out to meet them.

Kai's mother emerged from the first vehicle, her youthful vigour belying her age. Kai exited the second car, dressed impeccably in an all-white suit.

As we approached, Mrs. Adler embraced me warmly and then introduced me to Kai. Despite months of arrangement discussions, this was our first actual meeting.

Standing next to him, my 5'6" stature felt particularly short. He was impressively built, with medium-toned, luminous skin that made his well-styled black hair and striking features stand out even more.

His chiselled jaw, strong nose, and well-defined lips could easily rival classical sculptures. Despite being 41, his presence was commanding, yet there was an undeniable gentleness in his eyes.

"Are you ready?" he asked, his green eyes piercing into my amber ones with an intensity that both unnerved and captivated me.

"Uh, yes, yes," I stuttered, momentarily lost in his gaze, which contrasted so sharply with the ruthless businessman reputation that preceded him.

As we proceeded with the marriage registration and exchanged rings, I was taken aback by his unexpected kindness and gentility, which belied his fierce public persona.

After the ceremony, I turned to my sister first, embracing her tightly. "I'm sorry you had to go through this. It's my fault for not keeping a tighter rein on the company's finances," she whispered, tears streaming down her face.

I reassured her as I wiped away her tears, "We agreed to this because Mrs Adler promised significant financial support if one of us marries her son and bears his child before his impending death. Focus on the company and ensure my sacrifice counts for something. He seems more personable than the rumours suggested, so perhaps these next few months won't be as dreadful as we feared."

Returning her embrace, she sobbed, "I'm going to miss you so much."

"I'll miss you too," I whispered back, our bond sealed by shared adversity since our mother's early departure left us to navigate our father's cold pragmatism and the burdens of family expectations.

As Kai departed to attend to business, Madam Tess, the housekeeper, showed me to my room—a well-appointed space that would serve as my sanctuary or cage, depending on how one viewed it. Left alone, I dined by myself, Kai's absence extending well into the evening.

Later, as I lay reading, Madam Tess informed me of Kai's return, requesting my presence in his room—a summons that set my nerves on edge. "Why does he want to see me in his room?" I pondered aloud.

"Perhaps he just wishes to speak," I reassured myself, though the fluttering in my stomach suggested otherwise.

With a mixture of apprehension and a need to assert some control, I entered his room without knocking, only to find Kai shirtless, an unexpected sight that halted me in my tracks.

"Oh my God, I am so sorry. I should have knocked," I stammered, turning to leave.

"No, it's fine, come in," he said calmly, stopping me.

As I turned back, our eyes met, and the world around us seemed to pause. In a moment that felt both reckless and inevitable, he drew me close, his lips meeting mine in a kiss that was surprisingly tender yet desperate.

The connection was instantaneous, overwhelming my senses as he lifted me effortlessly, carrying me to the bed where passion and reservation blurred in a dance as old as time.

His actions spoke of a man who knew this might be his last chance at intimacy, his urgency underscored by the raw honesty of our situation.

As he undressed us both, his touch was paradoxically gentle, a contrast to the forceful life he was known to lead. When he entered me, the initial pain gave way to a rush of pleasure that overwhelmed all thoughts of duty and consequence.

Together, we reached a crescendo, a moment of escape from the roles we were forced to play, only to be shattered by his subsequent withdrawal and cold dismissal.

"Get out of my room," he ordered abruptly, his earlier warmth replaced by an icy detachment.

"Excuse me?" I said, my voice a mix of confusion and indignity as I clutched the sheet to my chest.

"You heard me. Get out," he repeated, his tone leaving no room for discussion.

As I left his room, the complex layers of our encounter left me reeling—trapped in a marriage that was both a contract and a confrontation with unexpected depths of emotion.