Ethan's announcement yesterday left me dangling over the edge. I was up all night thinking about how the rest of my life was going to be a living hell once Kai returned.

I thought I had it all planned out–Kai's death, my freedom and my life with Liam. But fate had other plans to snatch away my freedom forever, by giving Kai another chance to live.

‘I can't stay trapped with Kai for the rest of my life. I have to get out here, I have to run far away from the Adlers and my family.’ The thought echoed in my head, fueling my determination. I couldn't give up on my freedom yet.

I was in my room, pacing and trying to formulate a plan, when I heard Mrs Adler's voice from the living room, which filled the whole house.

“Zara, dear!” she called out, her tone unusually cheerful. “I have wonderful news!”

I forced a smile and walked downstairs, my heart sinking with every step. Mrs Adler stood in the foyer, beaming.

“Kai has regained consciousness,” She announced. “He called me personally. He'll be arriving home tomorrow evening.”

My stomach churned at the news. So soon. ‘Every silver lining in this house comes with a dark cloud for me.’ I thought bitterly. “It's as if happiness is a luxury I'm not allowed to have,” I murmured, my voice barely above a whisper.

She began issuing instructions to the staff, her voice brimming with excitement.

“Madam Tess,” she said to the housekeeper. “We must prepare a grand celebration for Kai's return. I want the best dishes, and we need to invite all our closest friends and associates.

“Of course, Ma'am,” Madam Tess replied, already making notes. “We'll start the preparations immediately.”

The house became a hub of activity as the staff got to work. Maids hurried around, cleaning and putting out flowers. Madam Tess and Mrs Adler planned the guest list and food, making sure everything was just right.

The whole house was being made ready for the big party. I watched as everyone prepared, feeling a mix of interest and distance.

A plan formed in my head–This party could be my chance to escape. With a crowd of guests, there would be less attention on me. Amid the chaotic celebration, I could quietly slip away, unnoticed. This is the perfect opportunity to break free from this prison.

I returned to my room, my mind racing. I needed to act fast. But I couldn't do this alone, I needed help. My family wasn't an option; I couldn't tell them about my escape plan, or else they would find a way to stop me. They wouldn't want to get in trouble with Kai.

I needed someone from outside who could find a place out of Berlin for me to stay low for a while. I began to pace around my room as I thought of whom I could call for help.

A name popped up in my head ‘Liam.’ I grabbed my phone and dialled Liam's number, my hands trembling. I felt anxious as the phone kept on ringing till it stopped.

I dialled again, and he answered immediately on the second ring.

“Liam, I need your help,” I said urgently.

“Zara, what's wrong? Are you okay?” He asked, his voice filled with concern.

“Kai's coming back tomorrow, and his mother is throwing a party for him. I need to escape during the party, while everyone is distracted.” I rushed the words.

“Zara, calm down and explain what's going on. Why is a party being thrown for Kai's return? Wasn't he in London for a business meeting?” He asked

“The thing is, Kai didn't travel for a business meeting but for surgery. He's completely cured, and he's coming back tomorrow.” I explained.

“That cunning bastard,” Liam muttered.

“This party is my only chance to get out of here, or else I'll be stuck here with Kai, for the rest of my life,” I started desperately. “I need your help, Liam.”

There was a pause.“All right, I'll help you.” Liam spoke firmly. “What time is the party tomorrow?” He asked.

“It's 18:00,” I replied, my voice steady.

“All right. I'll be waiting in the car outside Kai's mansion as soon as the party starts. So, you can meet me outside when you get the chance.” Liam instructed.

“Does Lena know about this?” He inquired.

“No, I didn't tell anyone. I just need a place far from Berlin, to hide.” I confessed.

“Okay. I have a relative who lives in a small town in Hamburg. It's a 10-hour drive away from here. I'll prepare everything and send you to her, you can stay there as long as you want.” Liam offered.

“Pack only your essentials, to avoid being caught. I'll take care of the rest.” He advised.

“Thank you, Liam,” I said, relief washed over me. “I don't know what I'd do without you.”

“I'll do anything for you, Zara. Be ready tomorrow night; I'll text you once I get there.” Liam promised.

“I'll get you out of there.” He assured me.

“I love you so much, Liam,” I whispered

“I love you too, Zara.” He whispered back.

After hanging up, I felt a renewed sense of determination. I spent the rest of the day discreetly packing my essentials and planning my escape route. I had to make sure no one noticed anything amiss.

As I lay In bed that night, my mind was a whirlwind of thoughts. This was it. My chance to break free. I had to be careful and precise. One wrong move and I could lose everything. But if I succeeded, I could finally be free from Kai.

I placed my hand on my belly and thought about what would happen to the baby when I left. ‘The Adlers won't care about the baby anymore, they only wanted it because Kai was almost dead. But now he has plenty of time to settle down, get married and have kids, as many as he wants,” a voice echoed in my head.

For now, getting out of here is my main priority. I'll worry about what to do with the baby later.

My heart pounded with a mix of fear and excitement as I finalized my plan. Tomorrow night, I will escape. Tomorrow night I will begin a new life