I frowned across the room at how Kai threw an arm across Zara's shoulders as they laughed together. In the radiant lights, sparkling like stars, her face was like one standing out, it reached in and yanked my heart down. She could be this happy lapping up the glow of everybody's admiration. Did she even know what she had?

"Lena!" My father's voice cut into my thoughts, dragging me back to the reality of the party. "Are you all right? You look a bit pale."

"Yeah, just… enjoying the atmosphere." I forced a smile, though my eyes did stay around Zara. "It's quite a party, right?"

He nodded, none wiser over my inner turmoil. "Your sister deserves this after everything she has been through."

Everything she has been through? It was like I was the only one who didn't matter,"Of course," I said, not showing how it really felt.