The next morning, Sharon stirred in her bed and flipped open her eyelids to soft light filtering through the curtains at dawn. I had barely slept, keeping close watch on her, and finally, this was the moment. When at last she did, a wave of relief mixed with trepidation washed over me.

I had dreaded this conversation day in and day out, but there was nothing that could take away from its inevitability.

"Hey," I said low and soothing, inclining a bit in my chair. "How do you feel?"

Sharon blinked several times to accustom herself to the light, and finally her eyes fastened on me. Her voice was weak, a small smile working its way onto her lips. "I'm still alive?" she attempted joking, but it came out so sad.

I made myself smile, but it came out a little false. "Yeah, you are. Thank God for that."

She shifted in the bed some and winced in pain upon moving. "I'm so sorry, Kellan. I didn't… I didn't mean to cause you all this trouble."