It was 10:27, and my phone vibrated on the bed-side table, breaching the silence in my hotel room. All I could think of was who on earth would ring at such an ungodly hour, and by the time Eliza flashed across the screen right in the next second, my stomach started to growl. She never called for nothing whatsoever, and I think something inside my stomach had told me this time it was serious.

“Eliza?" I returned, trying to keep my voice as neutral as possible, though the edges of my mind tickled with dread.

"Kellan," she said in a near whisper and barely holding in her shakes. "Something happened, Carl and Amanda, they had this huge fight.”

My heart did a somersault, skipped a beat in me. "What kind of fight?" I was upright in bed.

“A bad one,” she whispered. "Carl locked her in her room. He's furious. I think-" The words seemed to break off as if the weight of what she was saying hung in silence between them. "I think Amanda might be remembering."