Clara Lin, a young socialite, hails from one of the elite families of Y country. She is typically showered with attention and material possessions by her doting parents and older brother, which has resulted in Clara Lin developing a notably arrogant demeanor.

This time, Alu has already made arrangements for their discreet exit through the back door, ensuring the paparazzi won't harass them.

As Kendrick walked protectively with Amelia in his arms, Clara shot an angry look at his back, then swiftly pulled out her phone and dialed her aunt. "Auntie! Do you know that Brother Kendrick is married?!" she exclaimed.

The person on the other end of the line was Matilde Yang, Kendrick's mother. "How is that possible? He never even dated anyone. He would definitely have told his Grandmother if he had," Madam Yang responded with surprise.

"Auntie, I saw them right in front of me," Clara exclaimed, her eyes wide with disbelief. "Nerissa openly admitted it!"

"Who is this woman? What is her name? What family does she belong to?" Madam Yang inquired, her expression filled with apprehension.

"Auntie, her name is Amelia. She's Nerissa's closest friend, and she's barely half our age! I can't shake the feeling that this woman has some hidden agenda for marrying Brother Ken," Clara asserted, her voice laced with concern.

"Brother Ken went ahead and bought the Imperial Necklace for a staggering five billion! He must be planning to give it to her! Auntie, you assured me that I would be Brother Ken's wife," Clara said with a hint of flirtation.

"What?! Five Billion?! That bitch, Nerissa! She actually went as far as introducing a woman to seduce my son! But don't worry, Clara. You're my best friend's daughter, and to me, you're the only daughter-in-law that matters. And that Necklace? That's going to be yours," Matilde Yang declared with unwavering determination.

"Thank you, Auntie." Clara sweetly said.

"I will call Kenrick home and this bitch for me to see!" Matilde said before hanging up the call.

Matilde Yang delivered shocking news to her husband, Frank Yang, provoking an intense outburst of anger from him. The couple had developed a close bond with Clara's parents and had been enjoying various privileges as a result of their involvement in Kendrick's project.

"Demand that despicable son of yours to come here and introduce me to the woman he married. And inform my parents as well. I cannot fathom that he squandered five billion on a woman of her status!" Mr. Frank Yang exclaimed, clearly infuriated.

While Kendrick and Amelia were enjoying a pleasant dinner with their close friends, Kendrick's phone suddenly rang, and he saw that it was his Grandmother calling.

"Xiao Ken," his Grandmother affectionately called Kendrick in their Chinese dialect, a sweet endearment that never failed to warm Kendrick's heart.

"Grandma, it's so late. Is everything okay? Why are you calling at this hour?" Kendrick asked with genuine concern in his voice.

Reassuringly, Kendrick's Grandmother replied, "Don't worry, Xiao Ken, I'm perfectly fine. I heard the news about your marriage," causing Kendrick to smile at her Grandmother's keen interest in his life.

Kendrick happily reassured his Grandmother, "Yes, Grandma, I intended to introduce her tomorrow and serve tea to you and Grandpa."

"I understand, then I shall see you tomorrow," Kendrick's Grandmother said.

"Goodnight, Grandma."

Beryl commented, "Clara must have called your mother. She is too arrogant."

"I'll teach that bitch a lesson!" Nerissa added. "Brother Kenrick, where is my big fat red envelope? I should be getting one; I'm the one who introduced you to your wifey," Nerissa exclaimed with a playful grin.

Kendrick held his phone in hand, calmly tapping on the screen. Moments later, Nerissa's phone buzzed with a notification.

As Nerissa glanced at her phone, a wide smile spread across her face. In a burst of excitement, she leaped from her seat and recklessly enveloped Kendrick in a hug.

"You're the best brother I have, Brother Kendrick!" exclaimed Nerissa, her eyes glowing with admiration.

Beryl's disapproving tone filled the room as he scolded his sister Nerissa, "How could you say that to him while I'm standing right here? And please refrain from throwing yourself at Kendrick; it's inappropriate, especially considering your age. You might make Sister-in-law feel uncomfortable," Beryl insisted, gently guiding Nerissa back to her seat.

Nerissa responded with a mischievous glint in her eye, "Amelia won't mind if I hug her husband. You're just envious!"

The Four chatted and laughed and eventually went home.

As they relaxed in the car, enjoying each other's company after a delightful evening, Kendrick presented Amelia with a lavish jewelry box.

Eagerly, Amelia opened it to reveal the breathtaking beauty of 'The Imperial Necklace,' leaving her in awe of its exquisite craftsmanship and dazzling gems. Overwhelmed, Amelia gazed at the precious family heirloom, feeling a deep sense of disbelief and gratitude.

"Grandma, the necklace has returned to our family. I hope you are smiling down from heaven, knowing that it's back where it belongs," Amelia thought, tears welling up in her eyes as she reflected on the long and emotional journey to recover this cherished heirloom.

The sight of tears streaming down Amelia's cheeks filled Kendrick's heart with worry. "Do you cherish this necklace this much?" he asked gently. "I can definitely purchase more for you. There's no need to cry." Tenderly, Kendrick drew Amelia close, cradling her in his arms as he comforted her, wiping away her tears and offering reassurance.

Amelia chuckled softly and said, "What do you know?" Amelia decided that it wasn't the right time to tell Kendrick about the significance of the Imperial Necklace to her and her family.

Amelia had not planned to buy the necklace that evening; she simply wanted to confirm if it was the one she had been seeking. If it turned out to be the right necklace, she had already made plans to acquire it. However, Kendrick ended up purchasing it for her, and now it's in her possession.

As he handed her the necklace, Kendrick whispered in Amelia's ear, "Since you love what I bought you so much, I believe I deserve to receive a gift as well."

Amelia beamed with joy as she responded, "Sure, what kind of gift are you interested in? I promise you that I will do my best to find the perfect gift for you."