The elite circle was once again in turmoil when news broke that the heads of the Lin, Fu, Tuanzon, Murong, Song, and Zhu families had all received warrants of arrest for attempted murder. The scandal sent shockwaves through their social circles, leaving everyone in a state of disbelief and speculation.

When the police arrived at the hospital to arrest Mr. Fu, who was still in a coma, Mrs. Fu was stunned. She had no idea about the sinister plans that had been set in motion. "The person I sent to that meeting was my daughter, Fiona," she explained, her voice trembling with confusion and fear.

Unbeknownst to Mrs. Fu, her daughter, Fiona, had kept her in the dark about the plan to hire a gunman to kill Amelia. Fiona had cunningly placed the blame on Frank and Matilde Yang, knowing her mother would never agree to such a heinous act. Fiona had only told her mother that the six families planned to join forces to pressure Frank and Matilde Yang into returning their losses.