"Yes, Nerissa called. She said everyone has been desperately searching for you, especially Kendrick, but without success. Your mom and I also couldn't reach you, so we decided to come as soon as possible. We were so worried!" Mr. Sim explained, his worry lines deepening as he spoke.

Hearing that Kendrick had been looking for her, Amelia's tears flowed even harder, ignoring her parents' efforts to comfort her. "Mom, I failed to be a good wife to my husband; why did I run away and not trust him? This is all my fault," Amelia sobbed, her voice breaking.

"Amara, what exactly happened?" Mr. Sim asked, his voice laced with worry and confusion.

"Amara feels jealous and tired knowing many women are coveting her husband and even targeting her; now you can see how hard it is to have a husband just like you?" Fedora sharply interjected, turning to her husband with a pointed look.

Mr. Sim's heart skipped a beat. "!!!!"