Upon arrival, General Han Xing helped Amelia out of the car, his concern evident in his gentle movements. His hand, firm yet tender, rested on her shoulder as he guided her up the steps to the entrance. The large oak doors creaked open, revealing the warmth and comfort of the interior. A soft light filtered through the hall, casting a welcoming glow.
"Amelia, I called earlier to prepare your room and clothes. Would you like to talk or rest now?" General Han Xing asked, his voice filled with worry and care. He watched her closely, noting the exhaustion etched in her features. His eyes, usually stern and commanding, softened with genuine concern.
"Godfather, thank you. Can we talk tomorrow?" Amelia politely asked, her voice still shaky from crying. She needed time alone to gather her thoughts. Her eyes, red and swollen, held a plea for understanding. She felt a surge of gratitude for his unwavering support.