WebNovelPast Idols100.00%

Chapter 3: Abuse training Conclusion

I am already shivering, yet I haven't even taken off my large jumper. I knew that I could still pull out, but I knew with only three days there wasn't much choice. And somehow the first lesson was extremely effective. Did I even care about becoming an Idol that much? Not really, I was just planning on passing the entrance exam and then quit.

However, I stupidly kept thinking about how Hayate would feel if I did just quit straight away.

Before I had realized, I was standing at the changing room door. I braced myself 'just be confident'. The door opens and I walk in. 

Scarred for life? Of course.This was hands down the worst sight I have ever seen. I walk through the changing room to the closest spot to the hot spring. I need to get my clothes off and then quickly get into the pool. I stand there removing my baggy clothes leaving the dodgy clothes that make me look like a boy to an extent.

I already feel stares from other people behind me, I just try and ignore them. My legs are shaking, I want to vomit. I feel 100 times worse than that feeling before a race. Worse than during a test you don't have a clue what's happening. I quickly walk into the hotspring as if it's my safe haven from the change room, however this may have been a crucial mistake on my part. It was not a safe Haven. The room was packed with men of all ages. A good half of them looked at me, I wondered if dieing was this bad. I jump into the water as quick as possible. Was I about to die of a heart attack from this stupid training. I feel the gazes from all the people around. I see Connor? And people from my school. What if they realized I was here. Well I guess I could home school. 

I close my eyes hoping that maybe I will wake up. However my brother's thoughts pierced my distress. 'Just be confident' it's easier said than done of course. However it seems that maybe it is doable, and If it seems possible now it should be any time. He told me to think that I am better than anyone, which I am. Like look at that guy he has a weird chin, and he looks dumber than a rock. I look at another guy who looks like a neanderthal. I look at the people looking at me locking eyes with them, they turn around intimidated. Even in their own domain, In the Mans hot spring where a girl like me should be powerless. Like would I even care if Connor found out? I decided I would, like definitely would. 

However after defeating everyone, I lock eyes with a guy that seems somewhat recognisable from somewhere. He looks at me and nods approvingly. I lock eyes with him, neither of us backing down, awkward yes but neither wants to give up. Until he finally smiles and turns away. Nothing matters anymore, I feel superiority as I step out of the spring. People not even looking as I have brought shame to them and their families. Would anything make me feel scared


Sabiti and the two spuds sit in the car waiting patiently. They looked at each other for how long it had been. Their somewhat confident looks as Sanaka walked in had faded. They knew the task was hard, It would be a war zone like none no one had ever experienced. Sid was the first to break the silence. 

"Do you think she is okay?" Sid says quietly. No one answers his question though, but it is a neutral agreement that something could be up. 

"Maybe we should go in." Samarchi says now however both Sid and Sabiti shake their heads this time. 

"She can't be an Idol if she fails." Sabiti says with a confident look on his face. 

"The book basically says so." Sid also interjects with a cool expression. 

However a dozen minutes later it seemed they weren't so confident anymore. They all looked slightly nervous now. They were now waiting for someone to make a move. What could possibly be happening in there? 

"Okay I think it's time," Sabiti says, opening the car door. They all do the same. However the automatic door to the spa glides open. 

There was Sanaka walking out, her male stuff not on. She was wearing a baggy t-shirt with her swimmers underneath. Her eyelids were slightly droopy. She looked annoyed but calm, her eyes seeing nothing but seeing all. Over life but in the thrill of it. 

"Where going to die" Sid Says shielding himself with the car door. 

"I swear I've seen that look before somewhere." Samarchi Says, intrigued, but also frightened. 

"I assume that means success." Samarchi Says looking over Sabiti. Sabiti lips have seemed to now etch into a smile. 

"Just like Mayaki isn't it? I knew that she would grow as a person. However this is an unexpected occurrence I had not foreseen." He says failing to contain the grin. 

"Hello" she says, snapping back into her usual state. 

"W-w-what happened," sid called for behind the door.

"I conquered them all," she says, smiling.

"How did you conquer them?" Samarchi says looking at Sanaka with a bit of concern. I don't think he would put it past her to actually beat them up with her fists.

The next morning my brother says it's singing practice. However,

"She can't sing"

"Agreed" they all chime in except Sanaka

"What does the book say?" my brother asks Sid. Sid seems to have become the book bearer. 

"Create a weird drink, it should be green and warm. And wrap a warm towel around her neck" Sid says, sounding slightly confused. 

"That's obviously what my research found was the most effective. " 

"How is a drink going to change my singing drastically, and the boiling water towel?" I say sitting down watching Sid and Samarchi prepare the stuff. 

"Towel makes you relax and the drink loosens up your throat." My brother says pacing up and down aimlessly. 

"It won't turn you into a good singer, but it will bring you up to average. In a way these are the finishing touches to someone's singing, but we're just abusing them to make you average." My brother says, seemingly almost an attack aimed at my lack of Singing skills.

They come back with a bucket with a warm towel and the worst looking drink ever. Seeming very enthusiastic. 

"Here you are, drink up." 

"What's in it," I ask, the drink is a weird darkish green colour with a hint of red. Greens alright but I don't know about red. 

However they shake their heads, warning that I don't want to know what's in it. I wrap the drenched towel around my neck and drink it. That is disgusting, I feel like I'm probably going to vomit the moment the drink touches my mouth.

"That is disgusting." I say gagging and trying to regain composure.

"Now wait thirty seconds," Sid says, ignoring me.

After thirty seconds of drinking water to attempt to wash the taste away. My brother turns on the karaoke machine that he had wheeled from somewhere. I don't remember us owning a karaoke machine.

I don't know why but when I sang the words rolled through my mouth easily. My throat felt relaxed. My airways felt cleansed.

"Now remember how this feels, or you will be drinking this drink everytime you sing" He says as I finish off the song. My brother gives me a look that tells me he doesn't have faith that I will remember to sing like that again.

They give me a round of applause and some nice comments.

"That wasn't complete ear rape"

"My ears aren't ringing."

"You could be regarded as a good singer, in a universe where all people are deaf"

However I did take on their feedback, and showed my gratitude while beating them up.

"Lesson 2," My brother says after recovering from my gratitude.

"Dancing. Also this is going to be the final lesson before your entrance test." He says to everyone, which we are currently sitting on the couch.


"Our last lesson we have two more days" I ask, a bit confused.

"Because this one is going to take time. Unless you can secretly dance." he says doubtfully, with a strong emphasis on the tone.

"Of course I can" I say confidently, But they all seem very skeptical, which is not really to blame. I don't remember the last time I did any dancing.

"Also dancing is the hardest to fake being okay at." he says as he goes out and wheels a large item through the door from the garage.

"Ta da " My brother says, oddly impressed with himself. 

"What is it?" We say in unison.

"Dance dance revolution" My brother says very proudly. The machine is quite big with two sets of pad things on the ground which you step on. The machine also apparently has a new hardcore version on it. 

"You know that's not dancing, right?" Samarchi say.

"It's in the book" 

"Oh yeah what a genius Idea." Sid and Samarchi say in unison, stroking the book. That book has earned too much credit. They need to remember it was my idiot brother who wrote it.

"What so I just have to dance on this thing" I say as I inspect the machine.

"Yes till you get a perfect score" He says absent mindedly.

"A perfect score. Isn't that quite hard"

"Not really," my brother says getting on the machine

Well that did not turn out well for him. He got a score which the machine asked if he was an old woman.

"Just getting warmed up" he says stretching 

"What the hell?" Sid and Samarchi say faces hanging wide open

"Yeh I know I'm pretty good". My brother says, very full of himself. 

"So this is what you did for those three years you were away. Was being an arcade junky" they both say laughing.

"Anyway you have two days, as I was saying that you probably should start practicing now." My brother says " I need to go do some studying" he says now walking out the room.

"Dibs " Samarchi and Sid call as they jump on. But are stopped by a weird instinct telling them that if they get on their life would be in danger.