Rising Star.

Destiny channel 31 is a channel dedicated to destiny games in the amateur league. They analyze fights and supers in the amateur league all day long. Each session of analysis usually lasts 45 minutes. Then there is 15 minutes of ads and special updates. 

Kelvin already knew what Wrath wanted him to see when she asked him to show this channel. So he waited patiently until it was time for the special update.

Several ranking lists for the amateur league were displayed. Different lists determined the ranking of supers according to raw strength, speed, defense, ability, and victories. His name was on many of these lists. 

There were other lists, such as the Rising Stars list, that showed the ranking of newbies in the amateur league with potential. As expected, his name was on it.

The sight of it made Kelvin curl his lips. He said, "I wonder what they will say about me this time."