Emotional And Physical Pain.

The houses could contain any number of danger much worse than an overgrown bear. Things would worse then because she would have no way out after entering them. 

Unfortunately, she didn't have much of a choice. She entered a building to avoid the bear. Her plan was to go through it and exit through the other side. 

She faced her first problem in the form of thorny vines. They were growing throughout the house and had filled every inch of it.

They formed a wall of vines in her path, so she would have to go through them to pass through the house. Meanwhile, the bear was already tearing down the building to reach her. 

She didn't have much time to make a decision and not many options to consider. She waded into the forest of vines to escape. 

Fortunately, they were not sentient and carnivorous vines, or things would be very bad. Still, they were thorny, so things were still bad for her. The vines tore her dress and cut open her skin.