What Is Trust?

He exhaled heavily. Then he said, "No Gemini ability then. I will wait until there is trust before I acquire it."

Wrath said, "Good idea."

Then he began walking towards the mall again. As they were walking, he asked Wrath, "How do you trust someone?"

She chuckled and asked in return, "Don't you know what trust is?"

He replied, "I know what trust is. I just want to know what you think trust is."

She said, "Trust means dependency. It means you can always count on something. It means you have complete faith in that thing."

"I see." 

Then he thought to himself, "That confirms it. I don't trust Wrath."

He depends on her for some things, and he can count on her for those things. But he doesn't have complete faith in her. 

He was hoping that having his life tied to hers would make him trust her. After all, if it will take the two of them dying for him to truly die, he can begin to have faith in her.