The Open War.

It was also stated that those in the third division could only bring whatever they could carry on their bodies for the invasion.

But all in all, he thinks that these conditions are still better than the situation of the slaves who are given the barest minimum to preserve their lives or to make them effective cannon fodder.

Sometimes, the slaves are not given anything at all. They are just used as meat shields to buy time for others. 

This and many more were in the military codex. He spent most of his time reading it and the other bubbles containing information about the Lignum world. 

Days passed quickly as he soaked up knowledge. The only times he stopped was to reply to messages from his subordinates.

He didn't need to eat anymore, and while he likes to eat for the taste of the food, the taste of food is not enough for him to stop reading. He didn't stop to have his bath or exercise either.