New Things.

The thought in his head was, "I bet I would suffer for a while because of my durable physique. I hope the pain will be worth it and I can save myself."

But after he was yanked, his thought shifted to, "Oh, fuck me."

His mind almost blanked out due to the stomach-churning force that erupted from within him. It felt like someone had punched him directly in his guts with a blade or a hook. Then they had twisted it around for good measure. 

It was the same kind of pain he had always imagined his enemies were experiencing when he stabbed them with his bone blades and made the blades grow within them. Except this time, the pain was real, and he had no control over it.

It was so bad that he lost his sense of time. That moment of pain felt like eternity to him. It felt like the whole world. It was bad that his consciousness flickered.