On the same existential plane, all lives are equal

He was unamused and replied slowly, "I think your claim about never lying in your life is just one of many countless lies spoken by that tongue of yours."

Anon's gaze shifted from Seth to the sandwich, and he gulped it down after two more bites.

"Humans live, humans die; it is the natural order. Why make a big deal out of it, Elizabeth?" Seth said, redirecting his attention from Anon.

The girl's face turned beet red.

If he weren't so strong, she would have already walked up to him and slapped him.

No, it wasn't just his strength that held her back; she didn't want to fracture the relationship between Anon and Seth.

Calming herself, Elizabeth ate her meal, ignoring Seth's presence.

Anon observed this before glancing at Seth.

Seth wasn't wrong.

Many felt heartache over a human's death—why?

A dog's death wasn't any different.

Yet, many also mourned the death of a dog.

But what about an insect?

A mosquito, a fly, or an ant?

Inherently, all lives are equal.

Just because one is royalty among humans does not mean that one's life matters more than another's.

Importantly, in this context, another life also includes the life of any animal.

A human's life and an ant's life are both temporary, placing them on the same existential plane.

"Elizabeth's reaction is understandable, I guess," Anon mused inwardly.

At his mother's demise, he hadn't felt hatred for his father. Similarly, upon hearing about his father's death, he didn't feel anger specifically directed at that, but more at Seth's audacity at the time.

He didn't care or feel reluctant knowing that any path he chose would lead to killing his father.

Whether his father died by his hand or not, his mother's death, old lady Su's impending demise... these were all things already whispered by fate, written by destiny, and etched in stone by inevitability.

"Mother's death was certain. Her death at father's hand was the 'how,' but she would have died regardless."

"Humans cannot live eternally, so what makes a human's life more valuable than a fly's?"

Anon shook his head.

Elizabeth's reaction was understandable only because it was shaped by her upbringing.

"School is a glorified brainwashing cult. Home is no different. The truest, purest way is to be nurtured and raised by nature."

"Teachers, parents, elders, even strangers... all instill their ideals they believe in, labeling them morality, humanity, or commonality."

Anon thought, "Elizabeth has already been corrupted. That's why she is like this. But it isn't her fault, and it's very understandable."

In his eyes, someone like this was very pitiful.

What made one happy, sad, angry, disappointed, or depressed…

It all related to one's early teachings.

When a toddler's consciousness is forming, it is the ideal time to shape and mold it.

As it grows, it undergoes years of molding until it reaches a desired outcome, bound by concepts of humanity, morality, commonality, and society.

This state was referred to as mental maturity.

A child might watch a fat man and call him fat, or see an ugly woman and call her ugly.

This behavior would be considered young, naïve, and immature.

As they grow, these children are taught that such remarks are wrong.

When they become adults and witness a child doing the same, they scold the child and give him a lesson.

This cycle continues perpetually.

It's a form of glorified brainwashing and corruption, but with their consciousness completely altered, they fail to recognize it as such.

Perhaps the term "corruption" had been redefined.

People dislike the idea of being seen as corrupted; perhaps "raised well" sounds more appealing.

'In the end, Seth is not wrong to view old lady Su's life as such.'

'Instead, it is the single most accurate way.' Anon concluded.

After having breakfast, Seth and Anon sparred for over two hours.

The bunker was sturdy, but small, so Elizabeth couldn't watch such a battle of genuine stellar fighters when they got serious.

Otherwise, it would only be bringing harm to herself.

The term "stellar fighter" is used to identify those who have awakened and gained control over stellar cosmic energy.

However, it is a vague term, as it can refer both to someone who has just recently awakened and to an Otherworldly Knight.

Clearly, there is a significant difference between the two.

Anyway, around nine, Anon walked Seth out of his home and watched him leave.

In the limousine, it was quiet.

Seth didn't speak much to these servants, instead, he was lost in his own thoughts.

'Proto principles...' Seth mused inwardly, 'That Inevitable End, is certainly troublesome.'

'Even if my gaze can peer into hidden secrets, even with the little power his spirit is able to extract, there is an inevitability law that allows him to surpass my own principle and land his attacks.'

'Inevitable End… Indeed, when he becomes more powerful, no matter what, it would be an inevitability to fall to his hand. Surpassing other principles, what can surpass those damnable Proto principles?'

Seth chuckled.

"That child and his father are truly formidable for the current me," he thought, though his eyes showed no concern.

Observing the servant driver, he voiced, "The bridge is neither far from completion nor close, but when it is finished, who can stop me in my overwhelming majesty?"

The servant maneuvered the limousine down the street while another vehicle entered.

Focused on driving, he felt confused by Seth's words but instinctively replied, "Thy lord's plans are incomprehensible. Thy lord's steps are invulnerable. Thy lord's strength is invincible."

Glancing out the window, Seth muttered under his breath, "Evidently, even with those damnable Proto principles and the help of those insects, humanity's leader is just a slightly stronger mortal. His son... his identity matters not..."

"In my presence, all knees buckle, all heads bow. I am King! I Am!"

Anon observed Seth's departure.

When he was retreating to his porch, out of the corner of his eye, he saw another vehicle enter the street.


Obviously, of his neighbors, a great many had vehicles, but it wasn't a vehicle he recognized.

Not taking it on, Anon closed the gate.

Since he was home, there was no need to snap the lock; after all, Elizabeth would be bringing lunch in a few hours.

However, the world wasn't exactly safe, especially in these times.

Naturally, if a group of determined bandits noticed the unlocked door, they might take advantage of it. Still, leaving it there, even unlatched, served as a deterrent, as one wouldn't be able to tell just by a glance.

Just as Anon entered his house, a vehicle pulled up and parked in front of his gate.

Two figures in black suits and sunglasses stepped out.

"Anon, err, just Anon," the burlier of the two said, glancing at the holographic screen that appeared from his wristwatch.

First Name: Anon


Age: Sixteen years old

Sex: Male

Appearance: 5'10", scrawny frame, dark skin, black hair, amber eyes; above-average features.

Description: Said to be a natural-born genius. If not for one or more disciplinary misdeeds, he would have been the top choice for the title of St. Hope High School's valedictorian. Eyewitnesses report he has shown decent fighting capabilities by defeating four students, apparent bullies...

"Eh, isn't St. Hope High School a prestigious institution, with two prominent families sending their children there, one from another district?"

Next to the burly man stood a shorter youth with grey hair and black eyes, also observing the holographic screen.

It was surprising that a student from a less-than-average background was outperforming children from great and high-status families in such a prestigious school. To top it off, he had some fighting ability.