It’s nice to know that someone is willing to learn

"Although there are many instances of David defeating Goliath, I find the reliance on luck too burdensome."

Rolan stood at the front of the class, assuming the role of head teacher in Parkinson's absence.

There was a holographic video that replayed Seth and Nickyle's confrontation.

The video was split into several screens showing the same scene from differing angles at a much slower rate than normal speed.

"Clearly, we can see that Seth is the more experienced fighter here."

Rolan's focused on Seth and said, "Not only that, but he has a knack for talking smack—utter garbage."

The scenes showed him observing the grass and what he said thereafter, "I was slightly speechless myself, not his words specifically, but the set up before."

"When you talk smack in class, always remember to build up the tension as if you're about to say something serious or curse your enemy's ancestors."

"The ogre wouldn't teach you this," He referenced Mr. Park, and continued, "But when you speak your shit, coupled with the element of surprise, there's a moment when even the calmest individuals will be left speechless."

"Obviously, once used correctly, talking smack to arrogant opponents like Nickyle works wonders, but not every time the effect would be as drastic."

Rolan grinned and followed by whispering…

"If you want extra classes on talking shit, I've got you."

The classroom was silent.

They were silent, speechless.

In fact, Rolan had been going on for more than ten minutes about the importance of speaking smack.


"Anyways, as I was saying," The scene changed once more, to Nickyle's first attack.

"Seth got in his head before the battle even began, defaming the name his father, and it was all for this attack, the first attack, the attack that decided this match."

"The reason I'm so focused on the smack-talk is so that it'll be embedded into your skulls. Nickyle is the perfect example."

Rolan clicked his tongue and cursed under his breath, "What fool rushes in like this when he doesn't even know what abilities his opponent has?"

"With anger consuming his thoughts, he rushed in and didn't perceive the oddness here," The scene showed Seth coughing out blood, specifically onto Nickyle.

"Coughing blood is common, but one who is forced to cough blood doesn't think in that split second to cough onto his opponent."

"If Nickyle was sharp, he'd be even more sensitive to this since he attacked from Seth's side, not his front. Why did Seth turn to his left to cough blood like this?"

"In this battle, we saw Seth actively sustain injuries to bring out more blood in a natural manner. After all, if it was too obvious, even this dumb Nickyle would feel something amiss."

Even though Nickyle wasn't here, he dug into the boy, using the excuse that he was breaking down his faults so no one in the class would do such things again.

Rolan continued for another hour plus going over several aspects of the fight.

He broke it down, and by extension Nickyle's faults to such a degree that it felt as if he was repeating his words and just found a different way to say it.

Even an idiot would understand.

Nothing, absolutely nothing was concise.

Thereafter, he changed to the battle between Anon and Catharina.

"From this opening phase, I confirmed that the new generation has a liking to speak hundreds of words of miscellaneous nothings before actually fighting."

Rolan shook his head.

"This kind of thing would've killed you back in the desolate era and if you guys don't change, it will certainly be your end in the land outside the city."

He continued, "But I must commend Catharina, unlike Nickyle, even I thought you were aiming to fight in close quarters. And that right there is more important than anything else."

"Remember, in a fight, anything goes. If you can fool your opponent into thinking one thing, and then doing another, you've given yourself an advantage."

"I'm sure even you, Anon, was caught by surprise."

Feeling Rolan's gaze, with his arms folded, Anon leisurely nodded his head.

Right now, his blood was still excited from the fights that occurred in the combat room, so he wasn't the least bit sleepy. While listening to Rolan, he also broke down Seth's fight, and his fight.

With Rolan's not even slightly concise explanations, he was able to perceive all of the man's thoughts, and well, his own thoughts, it was akin to two people looking at these fights from two differing angles.

What he could take away was naturally more than just breaking it down by himself or listening to Rolan's summary by itself.

Rolan continued, "She acted as if she had a principle related to physicality, when in truth, it was a gold-related principle. This was commendable, but truthfully, that was the only commendable thing you did in the fight."

Since Nickyle couldn't attend class, he was saved from Rolan, but not Catharina.

"From this point forward, it was as if you were possessed by Nickyle. Though it wasn't as exaggerated, your eyes were covered by a thin veil of arrogance."

He smiled coldly.

"I should've seen it from the beginning when you proclaimed that you'll defeat Anon and then Seth, the same Seth who you just saw defeat Nickyle with relative ease."

Catharina bowed her head as Rolan's voice reverberated throughout the classroom, echoing outside of it.

His hands waved animatedly as he shouted, occasionally exiting the classroom and returning with a cigarette in his mouth

"Y-Y-You saw Anon swallowed by that final attack and just stood there as if you were suffering from a mental illness..."

Rolan said this and stood silently for a while, eyes wide open staring at Catharina and his mouth agape, causing his cigarette to fall to the ground.

He reenacted her actions as he remembered them.

As a good teacher, he also praised Anon at times.

However, much like in the previous analysis, the winner didn't really learn anything significant.

As for Andrew and Melissa, it was very important for them to listen, especially with Rolan making it clear that if they ever made the same mistakes that he painstakingly and clearly outlined, it would be him and them…

At the end of his ranting, he turned to Seth and Anon, "Since you guys have learned very little, tomorrow, you two will spar with each other, so that the loser can experience my rants…"

He said this smilingly, but then he frowned, "Rant… I'm sure that's what you're calling it in those bratty heads of yours."

Turning to Andrew and Melissa, he warned, "You two better be memorizing every word, no, every letter I convey in these classes. I tell you, repeat any of these mistakes, heh!"

"And that goes for every one of you!"


Finally, the first theoretical class had ended, after some plus two hours.

It was already half twelve, and when Rolan learned of this, he glanced at the students saying, "Today, just forget that lunch exists."

The second theoretical class began.

Whilst the first focused on breaking down their spars, as in, what they did well, what faults they made, what would've been a better choice and whatever, this class was about weapons.

"I trust none of you are foolish enough to think you don't need weapons, right?"

Saying that, he least expected anyone to raise their hand, but Anon did.

"Oh my fucking lord."

Rolan, breathing in deeply, he then asked calmly, "What is it?"

"What weapon do you suggest for someone like me?" Anon questioned humbly.

As of now, his principle was solely physical based.

Not as exaggerated in raising his strength as strength related principles, nor in raising his speed like speed-related principles, nor his defense like toughness-related principles, but his stats were high in all these aspects, including flexibility, agility, coordination, and even things like spatial awareness, and so on so forth.

His principle hadn't reached the stage of his fathers just yet, so the kind of mystical abilities that his father could do, he simply couldn't.

"Heh. It's nice to know that someone is willing to learn," Rolan smiled, "But don't fucking interrupt me again, I was getting to you in due time."

Eventually, class ended somewhere around half one.

He glossed over many topics, as in what was most suitable for these students, and how it would've improved their situations in the spars.

Obviously, Andrew and Melissa weren't included in this class, but they weren't stellar fighters just yet.

Plus, the next class, they'd be in for hell.

And the stellar fighters would be no different.