Pumpkin Season (October-November) Part 3

People who don't know any better usually think that Martha Epperson got the bank from a husband. Nothing could be further from the truth. Martha's father left her the bank after she worked her way up from teller and showed a remarkable talent for all aspects of banking. First Mills Bank has always been one of the best.

 Martha Epperson handed Maude Kreider a tissue box across her large desk. Maude took one and angrily daubed her moist eyes with it.

 "I'm sorry," she said, "I am just furious!" They had been friends all through school. Martha had even briefly dated Paul Hornberger, Maude's older brother. In some circles, they were still called "The Mat and Maude Show" after some of their various antics during high school. Maude's children called Martha "Aunt Mat" and were as close to her as her own nieces and nephews.

 "I would be too! In fact, I am! What ails William, anyway?"

 "I don't know," Maude fumed. "He's changed. A lot."

 "He honestly wants to tear down the house, garage, orchard and schoolhouse?"

 "That's what he says. And if he doesn't get what he wants -- if we don't go along with him and let him develop the properties, he'll contest the Will."

 "On what grounds?"

 "That Lisa unduly influenced Mom while they lived together on the property."

 "That's ridiculous."

 "I know it is, but he says that he will drag her through court and ruin her reputation. He said he's willing to let her buy it from the Estate for fair market value."

 "Knowing that she can't afford that. I know Thelma was giving Lisa a generous break on the rent to own and that she had intended the lease to end with her death, since Lisa would have the property free and clear. We discussed it several times."

 "Precisely. Paul and I insisted that both leases stay open and honored. We have until May to figure something out. William said that if she can't afford to buy the property she can't afford to keep it up, either."

 "That's ridicuous," Martha scoffed again. "Let me crunch some numbers and try to figure out how best to help out. Your daughter is not going to lose her home and I will not stand by and watch your parents' wishes be disrespected in this way. Not on my watch! Have you talked to Hal?"

 "Of course. He's both Mayor and family, so his hands really are tied here, but he seems to think that there's no way William would be able to get the approvals and permits."

 "Let's not take a chance on that. And let me talk to Jerry. He could probably find out some useful things about William, as well as give Lisa some good publicity through this."

 Maude smiled at her best friend.

 "You know, I was disappointed that you and Paul didn't work out, but having you connected to the Mills Gazette can be wonderful. Plus, scheming with you is like old times."

 "Just off the top of my head, Lisa doesn't need anything to start a household, correct?"

 "I wouldn't think so. She's lived on her own since she graduated. And she'll have first pick of anything from Mom's house. We're paying for the wedding; Fabian is arranging and paying for the honeymoon. He's also been on his own for a number of years."

 "Good. I just might have an idea that will satisfy bank rules, keep Lisa in her home, and give William a lesson about selling out his home town. Let me give Jerry a call -- I think I'd like his input."

Shelly's brother Carl had a real thing for Lisa when they were in high school. She never went out with him, but he asked her a lot.

 "Hey, little lady." The man in the booth tipped up his battered blue baseball hat brim. Carl was a truck driver who mostly worked for the Moreno family's mill and farm. He was often out of town for extended periods. When he was home, he still hounded Lisa to go out with him, just like when he was a few years ahead of her in high school. Before she'd met Fabian, she was actually considering giving him a chance. Now, she looked at him and wondered how the thought had even entered her mind. Carl had unfortunate features that combined to make him resemble a chimpanzee. Small, beady eyes very close together and very prominent ears. It was a shame. His father, the fire chief, was very handsome with a wonderful personality. She'd never been able to figure out Carl's tendency to be a pig.

 "Hi, Carl. When did you get in?"

 "Just last night. Took a load of cloth down to the Morales operation in Texas last spring; did some hauling while I was down there and just brought the back a load of cotton for them to play with in their mill. So how are you doing? Want to have dinner later and catch up?"

 "I'm afraid I'm busy later. May I take your order?"

 "One pretty Lisa to go." He grinned and winked at her.

 "Carl, I'm engaged," she told him, showing offer her left hand and trying not to show exasperation or disgust. Carl's face hardened and went red.

 "So Moreno finally got to you."

 "No. Pablo's back, but I was engaged before that. You don't know him -- he moved here over the summer. After you left, as a matter of fact. He teaches phys ed at the elementary school."

 Carl cocked his head and smiled as though something had just occurred to him.

 "Right. Nice try. When a girl says "you don't know him", it means no one does. They don't exist. Putting on your grandma's old diamond doesn't fool me, Lisa."

 "It isn't Grandma's." Lisa was offended, but was professional enough to keep her face schooled and not show anger. "I'll just give you a little more time with the menu." She was a little too close to the table as she turned and inhaled sharply as Carl gave her a pinch on the behind. George burst out of the kitchen and barreled over to Carl's booth.

 "You keep your hands to yourself in my restaurant!" he said angrily.

 "Talk to her. She likes it when I flirt with her," Carl said, unrepentant. 

 "You weren't "flirting", she didn't like it ... and oh good. I don't need to go on." George gave a mysterious smile as the diner filled with whoops and applause. "I hear our new regular has arrived. Fabian DiSanti -- the new elementary phys ed instructor. He and Lisa are getting married next May." He went back to the kitchen, clearing Carl's view of the door. Carl was infuriated by what he saw, A very large, handsome man had pulled Lisa into his arms for a kiss. When he released her, she motioned to a booth, but he joined Abe Wright at the counter.

 "Gorgeous sparkler you put on that waitress," Abe teased. Fabian laughed.

 "Only half as beautiful as she is," he said. Lisa looked at Carl, her face flushed and obviously happy. She raised an eyebrow and went into the kitchen. Carl fumed, watching Fabian banter with the other regulars. He picked up his jacket and left in a huff.