Cranberry Season (December) Part 3

 They walked to Adrianna's restaurant, Lisa sharing the latest news from around town as they walked. They finally reached Adrianna's. The mouth-watering scents of garlic, red sauce, cheese, and wood smoke hit them as they went into the restaurant. Adrianna showed them to a small table in a corner. Annie and Lisa didn't need a menu -- they ordered a small pizza. Lisa ordered a large root beer and Annie had iced tea.

 "So what's Dave Jensen doing lately?" Annie asked. "I know he's one of the carnies who stayed."

 "He is teaching English literature and drama at the high school," Lisa told her. "Fabian and I suspect he's getting over Robbin by seeing Taryn. Fabian has noticed some suspicious activity over Taryn's way."

 "Oh -- before I forget. Amy did tell me that Carl Lange is back." Lisa rolled her eyes.

 "He's a pest," she said.

 "Lisa I'm afraid he's more than that. He's not right. Shelly used to be scared to death of making him angry. Be careful, okay?"

 "What do you mean? Shelly never said anything to me."

 "She used to talk to Amy a lot. Carl has a terrible temper and would take it out on Shelly. If his dad caught him, he was punished for it, but he got away with entirely too much."

 "I'm sure Franco would be interested in knowing that," Lisa said, feeling a chill as she remembered some things about Shelly through school -- bruises, a broken finger. Had Carl done those things?"

 "I'm not telling you this because of Franco and Shelly," Annie said. "I'm telling you this because of you. He has always had an unhealthy fixation on you, and I'm afraid that you marrying Fabian might set him over the edge."

 "Thanks, Annie. One more thing to worry about," Lisa sighed. Annie touched her forearm.

 "It's better to know, Lisa. And tell Fabian. Carl is not some goofy guy with a crush on you. He has a history of not being able to control his temper when things don't go his way." Annie took a sip of iced tea, then continued. "Keith's sister Susie works at the mill in the dye lab." Lisa knew this; it was when Susie and Carlos Moreno had finally gotten together. "Carl claimed he was interested in her for a while. Lisa, do not tell this to a soul. I am telling you for your own good."


 "Susie always found him a bit creepy and weird and wouldn't go out with him, even though he asked every chance he got. She was polite, but clear that she was not interested in him. He ... attacked her."


 "Shh! I'm serious. He waited until she was alone in the lab one evening, then went in after her. He didn't get what he went in there for -- fortunately they have good security and someone saw him going into the dye lab where he has no business."

 "Why does he still have a job?" Lisa wanted to know, incensed. She'd always liked Susie and was outraged that Carl had tried to hurt her.

 "He was their only driver and they couldn't afford to let him go. That's why he got sent on those long runs to Texas and Mexico. Not just to get him out of everyone's hair -- he's the only trucker who would do the run. They managed to keep him busy down there all summer while they interviewed other drivers. Carlos thinks he found one, so Carl may be out of a job soon. He's going to be angry."

 "That's an odd combination," Lisa frowned, thinking. "Susie and I are nothing alike."

 "He wasn't after the same thing from Susie as from you," Annie told her. "He said some very nasty racist things about Asians while chasing her around the lab. He is actually trying to impress you. Or he might feel that way about all women. Who knows with Carl?"

 "Sounds like I picked a very good year to get a dog," Lisa said. She thought about all of the times that Carl had tried to touch her, or pinched her rear end at the diner and shivered.

 Adrianna brought their pizza.

 "Oh, bliss!" Annie sighed, taking a deep whiff of the still-bubbling pie. Adrianna laughed.

 "I'm going to take that under advisement," she said, "since I know what you're comparing this to. I grew up in Newtown on that college campus."

 For the first time, associations clicked for Annie.

 "Oh, my stars," she said. "I think I had both of your parents as professors before they retired."

 Adrianna laughed.

 "If you took European History and Psychology, you probably did. I'll have to tell them that their carnival personas are so good it took months for one of their students to recognize them."

 "You'd think I'd remember your dad," said Annie, disgusted with herself. "He was always doing magic tricks in class as illustrations. I'm surprised I never met Fabian. So's Keith."

 "Can I get you anything else?" Adrianna wanted to know.

 "Not now, Addie. Thanks," Lisa smiled.

 "Enjoy the pizza!" Adrianna went back into the kitchen.

 "The reason you don't remember Fabian is because he took care of all of his core requirements before you and Keith left for college. He told me he had nothing but phys ed and electives at the end. So between that and his going out for student teaching, you probably just missed him. He was in orchestra, though, the whole time he was there."

 Annie nodded.

 "Keith and I decided not to join the orchestra at school," she said. "We discussed it and decided we'd rather save it for the orchestra here and doing Subtle Origami stuff with you. So another opportunity to meet the man of your dreams before you did was blown."

 "It would have been anyway," Lisa said. "I met Fabian for the first time when I was four."

KREIDER, Craig J. and Felicia (Moreno), a daughter, at Twin Mills Cottage, Tuesday -- Mills Gazette

 "Are you saving me any of that?" Fabian wanted to know, sitting on the step stool in Lisa's pie kitchen. She laughed as she pinched the top crust onto a chicken pie.

 "Yes, I'm making one for us," she told him. "I made a bunch for the diner earlier. This one is for Craig and Felicia. They're bringing the baby home today, so I thought I'd take a special dinner over."

 "Nobody I know, was it?" Fabian asked, looking at the chicken carcass on a plate on the counter. Lisa laughed again.

 "Fabian, I warned you about making friends with the chickens. This lady lived a very long, productive and happy life. Try not to think about it."

 "All right ... what's your new niece's name again?"

 "Nancy." Lisa put some slices into the top crust of the chicken pie and then put the whole pie into the oven. She set the timer, and then set to work cleaning up.

 "When are you finished?" Fabian asked.

 "About an hour -- I have a cheesecake to do for Pablo at the Tavern after this. Hopefully it won't take too long. I don't have time today, but he wants another cranberry pie this week, too."