Reward and Lie

After some time on the floor, I feel sleepy, my consciousness gradually becoming blurry while I can't move properly or open my eyes.

'I didn't think I would faint upon being teleported' I think about how different it is from the game, where the screen just turned black when performing that action.




I feel a wonderful softness, as if the bed is asking me to sleep more, the soft pillow under my head is great, making me slightly forget my worries like dust in the wind.

But it's not good to linger too long, I need to find a way to escape the castle, so I force myself to wake up. My sense of time in this castle is horrible, I don't have a clock.

And what you see through the windows are different spaces, so in one window it can be day, in another night, and in another a hell of magma.

My eyes slowly open as I lean up to sit on the bed.

"Good morning, Little One," a beautiful voice speaks calmly.

"Good morning...???" I end up responding by reflex, but notice someone spoke to me and am surprised. I quickly look to see who spoke and spot him.

"L-Leviathan..." My body trembles with fear by instinct. The man who killed my masculinity is now watching me sleep, the fear I feel when I see him is enormous.

He is sitting at the table, on it there is a meal that I judge to be mine. Leviathan is drinking something in a cup while observing me calmly.

'DAMN, WHO JUST SITS THERE WATCHING OTHERS SLEEP LIKE THAT' It's as if I'm a spectacle to be seen.

"H... How long have you been here?" I ask carefully.

"Just 1 hour, little one... you look so cute sleeping," he says, putting on a smile as he says the last part.

"Come, little one, sit here to have breakfast, even if you're immortal, you should take good care of your diet," he says, and after finishing, takes a sip of what's in the cup.

"Y-Yes... I'm going," I walk cautiously to the table, noticing that there's only the chair he's in and the other one has disappeared. I look around the room to search for it but can't find it.

"Leviathan... where's the other chair?" I ask with doubt, my body trembling more and more as I approach him, but I ignore it.

"Of course it's right here, little one," he says as he puts the cup on the table.

"Here... where?" I don't see the chair anywhere, so my doubt increases.

"Come closer, little one, I'll put you in your chair since you seem to be ignoring it," he says, gesturing for me to approach.

I approach slowly with hesitant steps. When I'm in front of him, he places his hands on my waist and lifts me up a bit.

"Kyaa!" The sudden movement startles me, and I let out a cute squeal.

"Hahaha, little one, you don't need to be afraid," He places me sitting on his lap while releasing my waist. Then he picks up the cup to take another drink of whatever is in it.

"L-Leviathan, this is..."

'What the hell is he thinking, putting me on his lap?' I think angrily about the act, not only treating me like a woman, but also like a child. Although these 7 Demon Lords have an extremely high age, I don't see that as a reason to treat me this way.

"Of course I'm putting you in a special seat so I can see you have your breakfast," he says with a smile, his white, sharp teeth forming a beautiful yet scary contrast.

"B-But, I might end up spilling something on you..."

'Correction, I don't want to be on your lap, let me out of here, you lunatic.'

"It's no problem, little one, and besides, I don't think a princess like you would make such a simple mistake, and even if you do, it's just a matter of fixing that mistake," His smile never fades, so I can't say if he's in a good or bad mood.

"Now you can start, little one, I've already had my breakfast, so I hope the princess forgives me for not joining her, but I think the princess wouldn't want to see my breakfast."

'I'd rather not see it either... although some are common, others are enough to turn my stomach, if he said that, then I'd rather not ask what he ate.'

I look at my meal. On the table there is a basket with different types of breads and toasts, next to it are 3 pots with some kind of colored jelly in purple, red, and pink, followed by a teapot with a cup. And further ahead, a small basket with various types of chopped fruit, with a pot in the shape of a tablet that I judge to be some type of butter since it's yellow and has a knife to use.

The aroma is wonderful, and everything looks delicious. Yesterday, or what I judge to be yesterday, I had difficulties with a plant, so I end up deciding to have this breakfast as a reward for my efforts.

I start by taking the toast and spreading the pink jelly, the smell reminds me of strawberry. I pick up the teapot and pour what's inside into the cup, then I take a bun, spread the butter on it, and place it on the plate along with some slices of apple.

Compared to my first meal, I'm a little calmer this time and know I don't need to eat everything, just what I deem necessary.

My seat is... comfortable? It's not bad like I thought it would be, and Leviathan doesn't say anything, just observes me and drinks his cup. I find the silence a bit uncomfortable, but I don't want to talk to this guy who raped me.

I start eating the toast, the taste is wonderful, the flavor of the strawberry jelly spreads in my mouth along with the crunchiness of the toast, making an excellent combination. I drink what's in the cup, I'm not sure what it is, the taste is... flavorless? I judge it to be some kind of tea, but it's not what Leviathan is drinking.

I take the bun and eat it, the flavor is wonderful like the rest, the bread is soft with a crispy crust and is baked to perfection, the butter is also great and combines super well with the bread. The apple slices have the right sweetness and acidity, being perfect, I feel a smile form with the first meal I could truly enjoy.

"What a beautiful smile, little one," Leviathan speaks for the first time since I started my meal.

'Ugh, he could have stayed quiet...' I think about how I'd prefer he didn't talk to me. But I know I don't have that kind of luck.

"Thank you..." I thank him for the compliment and continue eating, since he spoke, I decide to ask out of curiosity what he's drinking.


"Yes, little one?"

"Wh-What are you... drinking?" I couldn't see it since I wasn't paying attention, so I really want to know.

"Your blood, little one," He answers naturally.

"I see, my... blood?" I'm surprised by this.


"It's delicious, little one... though it lost some of the flavor... I think it's better to drink it straight from the source," I shudder because I know he's serious about drinking my blood directly.

"P-Please don't do that... okay?" I ask with fear of him suddenly biting me.

"Of course, little one... I won't bite you out of the blue," He says, hugging me and bringing his face close to my neck. He licks it, causing shivers down my spine.

"Hya!" I let out a cute moan at the sensation.

"Please, could you release me... I feel strange," His tongue licking me causes a strange sensation.

"..." He ponders for a moment and stops, moving his face away from my neck, not before sniffing it deeply.

'DAMN PERVERT' I can only curse him mentally, his lustful actions irritate me, and knowing that I can't resist only makes it worse.

"You made a bit of a mess, little one," He says, still keeping the hug.

I look at the table, but it's impeccable, not even crumbs on it, I look at him in confusion.

"...I'm referring to the monster you killed, little one," He says gently, hugging me a little tighter.

"Ah, yes... that..."

'Will I have trouble? No, that's not fair, that plant wanted to devour me' I give him a look of injustice.

"Hahaha, I'm not blaming you, little one... I just think you could have done better," He says with a laugh.

"Better... how?... wait, were you watching?"


"No, little one, I didn't see it... I found the body before it disappeared and assumed it was you by the way the [Lotus Assassin] died," He responds, seeing my look of injustice.

The castle, when repaired, eliminates remains, this also applies to common corpses.

"And how could you have done better... it's simple, you could have used one of the [Mana Stones] or destroyed the flower on its head."

"But I didn't have a [Mana Stone]."

"Little one... did you check your room before leaving?"

"...No... not very well."

"There are 3 mana stones in your drawer and a storage one, those items were what I was going to give you initially before you wasted what I gave you," he says to me with a pitying look.



'DAMN' I feel like crying, all my effort was in vain. In the end, it was her weakness and the flower on top.

He starts lightly touching me in the abdominal area over my uterus, causing a strange sensation.

"W-What are you doing?" I ask quickly, feeling embarrassed.

"I'm cheering you up, little one."

"How?" I don't understand how this would cheer me up.

He smiles and answers.

"My little one... it's quite obscene, so I thought doing something would cheer you up."



"If you want to cheer me up, you could give me something," I whisper, a bit depressed by my effort that was just about to be denied. Even ignoring the fact that I gained a [Storage Stone].

[Storage Stone] is a separate space used to store things as long as they are not alive, the space limit depends on the strength of the stone.

"Of course, little one, just say what you want, and I'll give it to you as a reward."


"Yes, it's true."

"Really, really for real? You'll give me whatever I want?" I ask excitedly at the prospect of receiving something.

"Well... it can't be just anything... but I can give you something you ask for, as long as it's not too big of a request," He responds calmly.

'That's already great, I never expected you to give me anything... this is another difference compared to the game, although in the game they give items as rewards for certain actions, I never got anything early on in the game.'

I think about what I can ask for, it has to be something valuable, but without great value to him so he doesn't refuse the request.

I decide to think about something I have and remember my "System". It can evolve with certain things and conditions, so a book that explains it better can help me. The "System" is common knowledge in this world, everyone has "Status", but only some know how to evolve the system so it has functions beyond just displaying information.

"Leviathan... could you give me a book from the library... about the system?" I ask politely and carefully.

"Hm... sure, I don't see a problem... but in return, could you honestly write your status on a sheet for me?" He agrees, thinks for a moment, and adds something. Suddenly a book appears in his hand, and he places it on the table.

"...yes, I can do that," I agree to the terms.

'I'll just lie, my stats are crap, but I don't have to be honest about everything, so I'll leave everything at the standards of a normal human. I don't know what happens if he knows how much magic, beauty, and charisma I have.' It's not like they can know my status without me using it, even though I have a lot of magic, I don't know how to use any of it, and I don't have affinity, so he won't know.

"Little one... Swear... promise that you won't lie when putting the status on the sheet, I'm trusting you, so I hope you'll also trust me and not lie," he says as if I'm an acquaintance he really trusts.

"Of course, I promise... I won't lie," I start writing my status on a sheet with a strange pen he made appear out of nowhere.

[Status] (False)

Name = Ayla Lilith Stygian Aurora III Race = Human Title = Princess of the Kingdom of EternyWz

Strength = 6 Speed = 6 Endurance = 6 Intelligence = 9 Magic = 9 Stamina = 7 Authority = 8 Charisma = 9 Beauty = 8 Total = 68

I feel the air chill, and a shiver runs down my spine. My body trembles with a mix of fear and memory, that feeling of coldness just before I was fucked.

I look at Leviathan, and seeing my Status, he has a cold expression, like a snowy mountain in winter.

"L-Leviathan... Any... p-p-problem?" My fear makes me question him, fearing I've made a mistake.

"Sigh" He sighs, a sigh of disappointment.

"Little one... you promised... did you think you could lie and I wouldn't find out?"

'HOW... Lie... impossible, how can he say I'm lying when I wrote it?'

"How? I-I don't know what you're talking about," I try to make him believe me.

"Little one... another lie... I'm sorry to inform you, but I already knew your Status, so the moment you wrote 'This' I already knew you were lying."


'How does he know my status?' Doubt and fear run through my mind.

"I saw your Status and some other... Information before I started teaching you."

'When... THAT MOMENT' I remember a moment when his eyes briefly glowed just before he started "Teaching" me.

'I didn't know he had magic to see others' statuses... and what did he mean by "Information" doesn't matter, not important right now.'

"This is..."

'What do I do, what do I do?'

"Sorry, sorry, sorry, I was wrong," My reaction was to apologize as quickly as possible to try to calm him down. Even when I had thought of not seeing this as a game anymore, I ended up making the same mistake.

"...Of course I forgive you, little one, everyone makes mistakes..." He says calmly.

I cheer up a bit as a small smile forms at the fact that he has accepted my apologies, until he continues to speak.

"So now that you've made a mistake, I should punish you, don't you think?" He says calmly, but the content makes my smile disappear and my body tremble as a reflex to the word "punishment".

"P-please, no... don't do this, you said you forgave me."

"Yes, I forgave you, but that doesn't mean I won't punish you, little one."

I feel the desperation of the situation.

'NO, NOT AGAIN' I think about how I don't want this, I know begging won't help, so my second reaction is to run.

I start running frantically towards the door, running as fast as this fragile and weak body can. Suddenly I feel my movement become heavy, and I fall to the floor, my head spinning, feeling dizzy, and everything around me starting to darken.

"Little one... you tried to run... HAHAHAHAHA, I can't believe your audacity, it seems I'll have to teach you better so you understand your place," He speaks to me, and as I hear that, I feel my body tremble as my consciousness is completely cut off and I faint.