
I grab it with my hands and hold it, while holding it away to observe it better.

"Cute...more than I expected from a dragon..." it is small with a dark coloration like the night, it has some dark blue markings engraved on its body while its eyes remind me of the ocean, it is strangely cute, although its fangs seem sharp when it gives me a smile.

"Aetheris..." I call it by the name to which it reacts by making a cute sound and putting a smile on its face.

"Ruh-Ruah" it gives a gentle roar as if it's communicating.

"Do you like it? Is that your name?" it nods its head.

'It seems very smart...'

"S-So you recognize me as your mother?" it looks at me for a while and doesn't respond.

"Is that a yes? Or no?" it still doesn't answer the question, although it seems to have understood.

'Well...if it doesn't attack me, it must see me as its mother...probably...I hope' I don't want to be attacked by my own pet.

I put Aetheris on the floor and start scolding it.

"Aetheris...look at this room, why did you do this?" even though the room repairs itself, it's not good to go around breaking things.

It makes a cute face while crouching down.

"No...I won't let this" it seems so sad.

'Tsk, when did I get so soft...'

"O-okay...I'll let it pass just this once...but no more biting things in the room from now on" it gets excited while starting to fly around me.

I go to the bed to grab the egg shell.

"What do I do with this...should I throw it away?" I don't know if the shell of a dragon's egg has value or is just trash.

"W-Well...I'll keep it, then I'll ask Valac if the shells have value" I put them in my inventory now taking up 3/5.

'I need to learn healing magic...I don't need it for myself, but if Aetheris gets hurt, it would be good to have a way to heal it' after spending a week caring for the egg, I have a special connection with it, I don't want anything to hurt it, I really care a lot about it.

"...Aetheris...I need to leave the room...but you can't come with me"

'I'm immortal, so there's no problem, but if Aetheris comes with me, it could be killed or get lost'

"Grrg Twee-twee" it doesn't seem to want to separate.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon...I hope" I don't know what kind of trap I might end up falling into, so I can't affirm anything.

It gives a sad look while making some kind of purring sound.

"No, you're not coming, it's dangerous and you could get lost or worse, die" this castle that may have monsters in every corner is not safe.

I kneel down, grab Aetheris, and cast magic on it, since it feeds on that, I know I can stay for a good while until it feels hungry.

I carry it and place it on the bed.

"Stay here, don't even think about leaving, or I'll get mad"

"...ruah-ruarg" it nods its head, although it doesn't seem to want to stay. However, I doubt it can break the door or wall like it did with the furniture.

'I didn't want to separate from it...but I need healing magic as soon as possible' my room won't be able to hold this little dragon forever. So, I should at least have a way to help it.

I go to the door while saying goodbye to it and close the door, it continues to watch me from the bed.

I start walking through the corridors.

"Let's go to the library...I know it's in the Pride area" I start walking to find the division between the areas, the corridors have changed, which is somewhat obvious given the time I spent in the room.

I walk for about 30 minutes, as I don't have a clock, the time is a bit confusing.

"I found it, good..." as it took me a while to find the Lust area last time, I thought it would take longer. I enter walking calmly while looking for the corridor that leads to the library.

I enter the Pride Area calmly.

I continue walking a long journey through the complex corridors of the castle, I decide to look out the windows, but soon change my mind, seeing several people being devoured by a type of plant in one of the windows, the sight gives me chills.

I continue on my way, soon I see a large door.

"The library, I made it" I immediately go to open the door...


"AAAAAHHHHRRRGGGG" I feel a lot of pain in my hand when I look, I notice it has been torn off when I touched the doorknob.

"Hick, ow, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts" I've never suffered such a serious injury before, I feel a burning sensation as the blood drips from my severed hand, the amount is so large that it forms a puddle on the floor.

"W-why hick waaw-waaw hick" the pain doesn't stop, I can't feel the hand and this causes an uncomfortable sensation, the trail of blood on the floor makes me nauseous. I fall to the floor in pain while holding the place where my hand was.

Trying to stop the bleeding somehow, I lie there for a few seconds on the floor while the pain fills my mind.

'Why, why, does it hurt so much, I just want the pain to stop, this hurts so much' this physical pain was the worst pain I've felt since I was born, even when my hands were injured when I tried to cling to the ground, it didn't hurt like this.

'It hurts, it hurts so much, why did I lose my hand...' the tears that flow don't help, my vision is blurry and the pain makes it difficult to think. After about 30 seconds, my hand regenerates so quickly that I don't even notice it while the hand on the floor begins to disintegrate.

"Hick, I-it still hurts..." even though my hand has been restored, the pain is engraved in my mind. I lie on the floor crying for a while until I can compose my mind.

I stay on the floor for about 5 minutes while my dress is stained with my blood, I notice that although the lost limbs disappear after I regenerate, the same does not happen with the blood.


After this time, I'm able to calm down a bit from the experience, I look at my hand that I've been squeezing the whole time, afraid of losing it again.

I look at my condition, my dress is stained with blood in several places, while there is a bit of blood on my face and hair. Blood still drips from my dress since I ended up lying in a puddle of my own blood.

The painful experience ended up making me not care about the blood on my body, but now the smell of iron combined with the warm liquid that wets my body causes me discomfort.

"W-Was that...a trap?..." I can't figure out why the door tore off my hand.

'The door shouldn't have had a trap...I've come here several times in the game...even though it's real now, that shouldn't have changed' I try to think calmly about how to enter the library.


"I-It can't be...right?" I try to do like Ayla from the game and lightly knock on the door instead of trying to open it.


The door starts to open by itself.


My desire to curse this door is so great that if I could do it, it would take several minutes of cursing.

'I can't believe I lost my hand just for not knocking on the door...what the FUCK kind of door is this?' I'm outraged by the fact, feeling so much pain just for not knocking on the door is simply ridiculous.

"Let's calm down...I came here to read..." I can't take as many books as I want and can only read 1 book each time I come to the library, and if I open a book, I can't pick up another one, if I do or try to take it out, the librarian will hunt me down.

'Although I think it would be good to get another book, I need healing magic for Aetheris' I start walking looking for the librarian.

I walk around the library until I notice how insanely large it is.

'I can't see the ceiling...even looking ahead, I can't see the end...just how big is this place really?' The library has several shelves with countless books, while there are multiple floors going up in a spiral of books that seems infinite.

There are multiple corridors going to many different book sections. That's why I want the librarian's help, specific books are easy to find by searching, but general books are almost impossible to find.

'A healing magic book...I can't learn anything too advanced because of my low magical knowledge, so I need basic to intermediate healing magic or something like that, I guess.'

After a few minutes of searching, I find the librarian.

"..." I always thought the librarian was a girl until I discovered that I'm the only girl in the castle. The librarian has a face and body that strongly resemble a woman, but his gender is male.



'How can this guy who looks like a woman and even wears a dress be a real man?'

"Good morning, young lady...are you here in search of a specific knowledge?"

'Even the voice,'s practically a woman' The voice of the person in front of me is a mature feminine voice with a slightly serious tone.

The Man/Woman in front of me has long blonde hair, deep black eyes like an abyss, while wearing a black dress with some golden details, his chest is large and his curves are sensual.

"G-Good morning, I-I came to look for..."

'Damn, why is he so beautiful? How could they make a man look so much like a woman? And the worst part is that he's not a servant, so he can fuck me if I break library rules.'

'Strangely, I don't feel any excitement looking at this beauty, I don't know if it's because I know he's a man or if it's because I'm in a woman's body...'

The librarian has a lot of information presented in the game, he is a Chimera, a type of artificially created monster, although there was no explanation of what a chimera really is, his main magical affinities are Spatial Magic and Dimensional Magic, and he is not a servant because he is not actually serving the 7 as a living being since he is a monster, he is more like a security guard for the library.

'Why is it that intelligent monsters are not considered equal to people of other races?'

" can speak, young lady, but if you want to continue observing my body, I recommend you sit down," he says in a sensual but calm tone, inviting me to sit in the chair.

"S-Sorry for staring too much, I-I want a book..."

"Understood, so young lady, what book do you want?"

"I want a book that has healing magic that I can learn...I...don't know much about magic, so if the book can help me with that...I...also don't have any affinity besides healing" having to admit I'm useless is a bit uncomfortable, but it's necessary so he doesn't give me anything too difficult.

" moment, I'll get it for you, young lady."

"Okay, librarian...I'll wait here..." Although there's a lot of information about him, his name or origin has never been revealed. If you question him too much about his name or origin in the game, he brutally rapes Ayla, as he is a monster, he naturally has no kindness.

'I don't want to have a child...' Monsters can naturally reproduce with any race, and the being born from this union will be the offspring of the monster and will not have any characteristics of the mother, in other words, it will not be a hybrid, but only a monster like the father.

'Why do the 7 allow this guy to rape Ayla? Just because he's a monster? What's the difference between monsters and races?'

It's just a way to increase their numbers, but since the librarian is a monster, if he tries something with me, I could have a child, although in the game, when this happens, he devours his own children in front of Ayla.


"What's disturbing, young lady?" The librarian appears behind me with the book.

"N-Nothing...I'm just...uncomfortable with the blood on my clothes" which is not a lie, although the blood has dried, it's still kind of gross to be covered in blood.

"...Of course, unfortunately I can't do anything about's the book you requested, just remember to return it before you leave."

"S-Sure..." I take the book from his hands while I go to the table to sit down and read. The books have various protection spells, so I'm not worried about staining them with blood.