Chapter 43: Guarded Return to Valeris

The hum of hover engines reverberated around Ethan as he sat in the back of the lead truck, his gaze fixed on the distant skyline of Valeris City. Beside him, Malek was quiet, his attention on the city growing closer by the minute. The rescued survivors, some still visibly shaken, were huddled in the rear of the truck, while Captain Jarek's guards, positioned in the other hover trucks, kept a vigilant watch over the convoy.

Captain Jarek had immediately offered hover transport and security to ensure the survivors' safe arrival in Valeris. As the truck glided smoothly across the rugged terrain, Ethan allowed himself a moment of reprieve, grateful for the quick journey compared to the rough hike they might've had otherwise.

Ethan's thoughts turned back to what the survivors had told them. Raeth, one of the Black Sun Syndicate's high-ranking officers, had been overseeing a series of experiments on a rare mineral alloy within his secluded facility. According to the survivors, Raeth had been refining the mineral to harness its unusual properties. Most disturbingly, the alloy seemed to have subtle, mind-altering effects. Ethan recalled the haunted looks on the survivors' faces as they'd shared their stories of being under Raeth's influence, the faint horror lingering in their eyes.

As the trucks approached the city gates, Ethan felt a surge of relief. The dusty expanse of Kynara faded into the background, replaced by the familiar energy of Valeris's bustling streets. They passed through the city's entry checkpoint, nodding to the guards who quickly ushered them through, and made their way directly to the Mercenary Guild Hall.

The grand entrance to the guild towered before them, metal doors parting smoothly as they arrived. Ethan, Malek, and the survivors climbed out of the trucks, and Captain Jarek's guards fell in line to escort them inside. Ethan took a deep breath, feeling the weight of their mission settle in as he stepped into the hall's high-ceilinged atrium. A rush of activity filled the air as mercenaries and guild staff bustled about, though many paused to look curiously at the group.

Ethan and Malek were immediately directed toward a more private chamber within the guild by Kael, the guild's secretary. Kael's sharp gaze took in the survivors, and without wasting a second, he guided them through the hall to the meeting room where the branch master awaited.

The guild branch master, a tall, imposing figure with keen eyes and a calm, calculating demeanor stood near the room's holo-display, studying a series of reports. He looked up as they entered, giving them a quick nod.

"Good work," he said, his voice a mix of praise and urgency. "I understand you've returned with important information, as well as survivors."

Ethan took a step forward, glancing back briefly at Malek before he spoke. "Yes, sir. The survivors can confirm that Raeth, one of the syndicate's officers, was conducting experiments on a mineral alloy with...unique properties. The alloy has been refined to influence thought patterns, potentially even basic decisions. We believe the syndicate could weaponize it if they gain more resources."

The branch master's expression darkened. "Mind-altering properties... If the syndicate successfully weaponizes that, they'll have an unimaginable advantage. This information is invaluable." He turned to the survivors, his tone gentler. "Thank you for coming forward. We'll ensure you're safe and cared for while we assess this situation."

The survivors nodded, clearly relieved. Their ordeal had taken its toll, and Ethan hoped the guild's protection would allow them to find some peace after all they'd been through.

The branch master motioned to Kael, who immediately approached Ethan and Malek with information tablets in hand. "In light of your efforts, the guild is offering both of you substantial compensation," the branch master said, his gaze direct. "Kael will handle the transfers."

Kael tapped quickly on his tablet, and moments later, their tablets flashed notifications with the credit transfers already in progress. "This includes payment for the intel you've provided, the safe return of the survivors, and, of course, the supply mission," Kael explained. "Well done. This information will certainly bolster our efforts against the syndicate."

Ethan glanced at the screen, taking note of the generous credit increase in his account. It was enough to cover several essential repairs, though he knew he would need more to fully restore his ship.

Malek caught his eye and gave a slight nod. "Not bad for a day's work," he said, a small grin tugging at his lips. "Good luck with whatever comes next." They shook hands, sharing a quiet understanding. They both knew that as solo mercenaries, they'd likely be going their separate ways for now, but they'd cross paths again soon enough.

With Malek's departure, Ethan made his way to the guild's medical room, his shoulder aching from the strain of their skirmish with Raeth's forces. The guild's medical team worked efficiently, treating his injuries with precision and ensuring his shoulder was properly mended. They recommended he avoid any heavy activity for a day or two, which he agreed to without hesitation.

Once his treatment was complete, Ethan left the guild hall and headed into the cool night air of Valeris City. The streets were bustling, the neon signs glowing vibrantly against the darkening sky. The familiar hum of the city settled over him, blending with the sounds of traders, travelers, and mercenaries exchanging tales of their ventures. A sense of accomplishment lingered in his mind, tempered by the fatigue of the day.

Though he'd considered going straight back to his ship, his stomach had other ideas. He made his way to Nara's Nest, the local cantina he'd grown fond of, eager for a hot meal after the grueling mission. The warmth of the cantina and the scent of spices and roasted meats greeted him as he entered. Nara herself gave him a nod from behind the bar, an unspoken acknowledgment of his return.

Ethan ordered a hearty meal and settled into a booth, letting himself relax for the first time since the mission's start. As he ate, he thought back to everything he'd learned. The mineral alloy, Raeth's experiments, and the syndicate's plans all pointed to something larger. Something that would undoubtedly become even more complex as he delved deeper into the mercenary life.

Once his meal was finished, Ethan got up, paid and made his way back to his ship. The quiet interior was a welcome reprieve from the bustling cantina, and he settled into his sleeping quarters with a contented sigh. Exhaustion hit him like a wave, and within moments, he had drifted into a deep, well-deserved rest.