Deomon trigger ch9 The Crimson lady pt2.

A few minutes ago.....

Within the heart of District two stood a talk and imposing skyscaper that ros duo in the clouds.

The structure seemed to envoke a feeling of awe, fear and grace to anyone that gaze at it but currently situated on the rooftop of a building a moderate distance from the skyscaper was a beautiful and frightful lady in red.

The lady had red eyes, red hair, a red witches hat and was currently dressed in a red short shirt with a red camisole over it.

She wore a pair of red long trousers along with red heel and her beautiful and sensual lips where painted red.

With her long red hair flutterky gracefully behind her she placed her left hand on her red witches hand and gently tugged it down to hide her expression.

Evoking a sense of mystery all whom looked at her, a tiny smirk grew on her lips as she snapped her right finger.

With her action a wave of red aura bursted out of her body and engulf the whole of Ageis.

"District one...stage three!"

She snapped her fingers again.

"District three stage two"

She snapped again.

"District four stage one."

And finally she let out another snap.

"District two stage zero!"

As her sweet voice resounded in the air, a crack appeared in the skies above the district fragments of the bright blue sky broke off and descended onto the ground like shards of broken mirrors.

As the portion broke of, a void of nothingness was revealed followed by a monstrous roar that shatter the remaining sky to pave way to a hole within the sky.


The woman screamed earning another roar that rang within the district.

[.... Remember our deal]

With that the crismon edge of a massive sword began to peek out the hole in the sky and descended upon the district like a omen of destruction.

With the sudden surreal sight, she heard screams of horror but she merely smiled in amusement as she watched the shadow of the sword eclipse the district.

[Show this worm who is the true devil of destruction]

One's she finished she heard a loud sonic boom as a ray of golden light shot out of the highest peak of the skyscaper and meet the sword descent.

The light seemed like a mere fly in contrast to the sword but she didn't look at it with disbain but rather anticaption.

[The chief in action....]

Narrowing her blood red eyes she watched as the beam of light clash with the red sword the size of a mountain.

Their clash was followed by a monumentally Burst of shockwave that's shattered the sounding glass and even cleared the clouds in the sky.

[....a truly rare sight]

With her main obstacle out of the way she jumped of the rooftop and leaped towards the destination, the Tigger assocation.


Gehenna gates, a form of spacial rift that connected the material world to the demon realm.

As its name indicated it function was to act as a door way between the two realm and formally allowed debisl of all kinds to trepass into the human world.

The gates was one of the key factor that brought ruins to half the planet after all through it millions of devils, form coom ranks to nobles and even king ranks invaded in legion and contuined to do so until the lord of angels, Michael exercising his concept[Ruler] imposed a rule in the gates.

Before devils of all kinds could use the gates but after his rule had been placed, only devils of a certain criteria could could manifest in correspond to their rank.

A lord class,king class or noble couldn't manifest within a stage four gate, the weakest gate.

And if they tried, a barrier will be enact and repel them back to gehenna.

It didn't resolve the problem nor did reduce casualties but it made humanity more prepared.

The now no longer had to live with the fear of a lord class walking out a gate without prior info, now they could prepare with the knowledge that a one gate brought about a king class.

But was knowledge was beneficial?

Ciel questioned as she watched the golden ray of light clash with the enormous sword within the cracks of the sky.

As a devil hunter in her second year of service she had been vigorous educated on the class of devil and gates.

She knew there where five ranks of devils namely;indominant(demons),common,noble, king and lord.

She also knew the ranks of gates and their coorespesonding threat.

A stage four only allowed indomaint devils.

A stage three indominant and common devils.

A stage two namely noble.

A stage one, king ranks devil's.

And finally a stage zero...a lord class a being in the safe rank of warth, the devil that had reduced half the planet into a wasteland.

A devil so strong that some believe that even if all the devils including the sins and Ars goetia banded together only a few could directly harm them.

And right now a devil on the same class had been summoned within the skies of the district.

It happens so fast she could even process his it occured. Ones second she was leaving the association then, suddenly a dreadful wave of aura washed through her, then a gate-no gates manifested.

Of course the veterans hunter whom where use to such unpredictable situations quickly responded with the chief herself directly facing the lord class but those like her, amateurs and cowards had been left behind with a singular mission by the chief to protect the association.

It sounded simple enough, protect the base but that's when everything began to go astray.

There was a blackout, then all the runes inscribed by the angels to keep devil at bary where destroyed, then a crismon woman walked into the building and began massacring all the available hunters.

Truth be stood they only reasons she was currently alive was because she fled and hid.

Trying her best to ignore the guilt washing currently washing over her,she carefully thread through the now dark corridor of floor hundred looking out the transparent glass the separate the building from thr outside shebcursed at her own helpless.

As a mystic user, her body was much more durability than the average human and she could probably survive a fall from said height if she choose to break through the glass and jumped to escape but the crismon lady had taken that into consideration and left a few surprise for any hunter within the building that tried that.

She remembered watching in horror as a brave youth who had tried her thoughts ended up being bombard by multiple long range attack that brutally riddled his body in holes.

The crismon lady didn't want any of them escaping and had left multiple devils to surrounded the building.

A hunter with a flight related mystic could probably make it out but most of them had been dispatched to handle the numerous gates opening all around Ageis.


As she took another step the building suddenly shook causing dark from the slight crack ceiling to spill onto her.

"There still fighting?"

She wondered.

As she had fled a few hunter had brave the front to stale the Crismon lady and judging by the frequent rumbles she suspect a few where still fighting.

As she commended their chivalry in her heart, the face of the devil knows as envy flashed in her mind.

As she fled higher and higher she wonder what the devil would have thought of her current actions.

"He'll probably hate me!"

Grasping the walls of the corridor to maintain a footing due to the frequent rumbling a full expression formed on her face.

She didn't know why but she oddly valued his- that devil thoughts about her.

It stermed from her desire to be acknowledged by someone especially someone a strong as him.

As a divine mystic holder a lot was or had been expected of her but....

"I always ran at the last minute!"she whispered as her body slowly slipped onto the ground.

Time and time again she found herself abandoning other to preserve her life.

She had lost the only person she called her friend because of that.

It wasn't fear but something more.

A feeling, an obsession that sole wanted her to live.

It told her time and time again, there was something she had to do but what did she have to do?

"I hate it."

Hanging her head low, tears began to fall out her eyes.

"I don't want this!"

She cried, a silent but heartfelt cry.

"Why do I have to always run?why can't I die fighting?"

As sounds of the world seemed deaf in her ear as her tears fell off her pale face and slowly dripped onto the ground.

And honorable death, a graceful death.

She didn't wish for any of that.

What she truly wished for was dying whiles trying.

Looking back year ago when her parents had died to protect her from deadly rays of the Astral king, she could remember the soldem and proud smile on their face as they assuranced her she had been saved.

They had been hunters and powerful ones at that but the risked it all to protect her.

She found their death pitiful after all they had left her alone in the world but did they truly think the same way she thought.

To them they had saved their child, their greatest treasure as they ones used to say. Even if it had cost them their lives, did it mattered to them?

"I'm sorry mom and dad!" She whispered materializing her mystic, with her grasp.

She now realized what she had to do.

"Conviction... ambition I don't need all those crap!" She cursed slowly raising of the ground.

Her parents had saved her because she was their daughter, that was all they need to laid down their lives for her and she will emulate it.

Chivalry, courage, duty there where all useless.

She wasnt she going to ran any longer.

She was a devil hunter and as such she will hunt devils.

That was all.

As she displayed her resolve by raising up, her sword shimmered with brilliant as the sound of bell ching resonated within the dimmed corridor.


Beaming with unfathomable confidence, she felt her body grow much lighter and less the tense as she turn her tail and marched toward the conflict numerous of floor's down.

But with her new found confidence came uneasiness. Not the time that urge her to ran away but one that filled her with wariness.

"The sound and rumbling died out?"

She wonder her mind racing to the possibility the hunters that has stayed had all perprished.

Closing her eyes at such a tragic though she took in a deep breath and opened her eyes to see her greatest fear standing inch's away from her.


She sudden chocked finding an alluring and almost enchanting ruby red eyes staring at her at an uncomfortable range.

The owner, a beautiful woman in red now standing inch's away from her, gently caress her nape and with a sensual smile bared her sharpered fangs into them.
