I'll Pass

Walking home that evening, the sun dipped low on the horizon.

Stephen and Castiel strolled along the streets, their minds intertwined with thoughts of their escapades and the excitement of the coming days.

Castiel was animatedly sharing his plans for practice.

"Just imagine it, Steph!" he exclaimed. "I'm finally going to work on those tricks we talked about—maybe even the triple flip grind!"

Stephen, however, was lost in contemplation, his gaze fixed on the sunset. He was silent. No one could really tell how he felt about the sky in moments like these.

"Hey, Cast, do you feel that?"

Castiel paused mid-stride, looking around as if he were searching for some elusive thing.

"Feel what? I don't see anything."

"Never mind then," Stephen replied, shrugging it off as they continued walking.